Hey there,
I'm back after a short 2 day hiatus (always wanted to be able to use that word), I got to spend a couple days (days NOT nights...the ex can be a real "head trip" sometimes) with Rachel doing the daddy thing, we had a blast, and I feel spiritually rejuvenated. This morning I had an appt. at D.S.S. for a redetermination/recertification, usuall this involves a minimum of a 3 hour wait, and then 5 minutes of questions to confirm answers already given (on a form duplicating information already in the computer), then 20 minutes of waiting while the case worker disappears to 'make copies'. But TODAY! 5 minutes of waiting, while I filled out a form reconfirming that my statistics are the same, 2 minutes while the receptionist checked over the form and told me I am eligible for a phone review and eould be getting a call from the case worker and out the door!!!!!! Very Cool!......now if only I could get calls returned from D.E.A.P. and Md. D.H.M.H.......yeah right.........I've got a better chance of having Santa deliver World Peace for Xmas! ...HA! Anyhow, I've another reply to my Craig's List ad for a housing4work barter, THIS one sounds a bit saner, and also more accessible to public trans. that runs on a more frequent schedule...wish me luck. Even though this is only a short term (4 to 6 weeks) gig, it's Jan. into Feb.! I HATE COLD WEATHER!!!!!, if it was not for Rachel I would be about 1000 miles south of Baltimore, and if I had a guaranteed income/living situation awaiting me down in sunny FLA., I'd be seriously thinking of a way for her to live with me down there! (Even though the ex can be a jerk and a hypocrite, I wouldn't hurt her by taking Rachel that far away, and I would NEVER hurt Rachel by separating her from her mother, NOW you know why I am stuck here in this damn city.) In a few years though......when she is old enough....spending the summer at the beach with her old dad is gonna be a real nice treat! I'm outta here for now, if anything exciting happens between now and 9:00 pm...."I'LL BE BACK".......Dave
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