Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Sunlight.....................And.....................Sunshine Eyes............."

Good Afternoon;
It's good to see the Sun after such an extended absence, it's a bit too humid for my taste but I still sat outside and let one bus slide by just to sit and soak up some rays because there was a slight breeze that was increased in velocity and strength every time the traffic lights between Old Ct Rd. and McHenry/Walker Aves. aligned in the Green position.

I started the day out with a case of the 'blues', that superficial, non-specific sadness of the type of minor, (non-clinical), depression that usually is fairly easily remedied. Between the Sunlight, a couple of Peter Paul Almond Joy minis, and a short conversation with one of the most truly beautiful, in both personality and looks, young women I have ever been privileged to meet and speak with..(Thank You Ajeetha..? Ajitha..?)..I'm feeling a bit better. (-:

The laptop booted and seems to be behaving here at the Starbucks...knock wood!
I'm always being asked why I don't live with my daughter and her family, and if those questioners could have been a fly on the wall yesterday further discussion would be necessary. Both the tension and the humidity could have been cut with a knife thick as they were. I damn near chewed through my tongue and ground what's left of my teeth to powder forcing myself to keep my mouth shut.
Also, as the saying goes, fish and house guests both start to smell after 3 days!
And in any case they are moving to Tom's mother's house in Monkton, (sometimes referred to as 'East Bumf*ck'), by the end of the month...and that presages it's own special brand of insanity which I wouldn't get involved in for love or money!

It's 5:30 pm., time to eat more than 2 cups of coffee and 2 mini Almond Joys according to my stomach and the growing headache I'm feeling.


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