And "How Bout Dem O's , HON!!!"
Orioles= 6 Yankees= 5
An Auspicious beginning..let's pray for some momentum..(about 90 game worth).
So I've been getting the silent treatment, and the cold shoulder from a certain counter person at a certain shop I frequent, and I have been running through possible situations in my mind where I may have offended. Turns out it is because, on one night just before closing I asked if this person could spare enough for a cup of coffee in the morning,($1.76), as I was going to be broke for a couple days it seemed, you remember those posts last week. Well after I left the store, I was passing the gas station on the corner, and had a strong hunch to play a Keno number... so I did...and won $25.00...not wanting to push my luck, I quit right then. I was sitting out side when the lender came out after locking up, and said to them that I had the money I had borrowed a few moments before, and wished to pay it back, I was refused with the answer that the tip jar had already been bagged and locked in the safe. So I was unable to return it, I then proceeded to go and refill my meds with the money, that being my top priority.
A couple days later, I encountered this person and realized that something was amiss, by her treatment of me, and the abrupt and terse answers to simple courtesies. I was refused in my usual offers to dump the trash and otherwise help clean up, etc. I just put it down to youth and a headache or a bad day. When this continued, and my shunning became overt when I brought a meal purchased with my Giant gift card, in to the shop and ordered a coffee and began to eat...If Looks Could Kill!!
Yesterday I found out through some one else what this was all about, and am no longer concerned about this persons attitude, in the fashion as before. First because, I made the attempt to return the money, Second because I regularly toss my change in the tip jar, amounting to much, much more than $1.76. Third because when I was out of cash a few days later in the week, it had nothing to do with previous matters. Fourth because if one is going to give someone else money as a gift, not a loan or advance, with no contract, one has no control over the dispersal or disposal of said monies, nor should their be any expectations that it be spent in a designated manner.
I am sorry, but if you choose to put money in my hand, knowing full well, I am currently broke and homeless, and I choose to alter my spending plans, by what right do you assume to dictate my actions, especially if I DECIDE my priorities have changed from a cup of coffee to staying clean, and the opportunity presents it self????
Okay....that is enough.....had to get some of it out because such intolerance and rudeness in one SO young and unexperienced in the realities and exigencies of life is, I believe, a major problem in our society, and perpetuate myths and untruths regarding the homeless. We have other needs besides food and your unwanted clothing. And, as I say, if one gives or chooses to donate to someone.as soon as the money changes hands, the right to control those funds are relinquished......and...as I have also said before.....if you want to control your donations...find a reputable charity that understands the REAL needs of someone on the street.....not just your perception...and if you don't want to give anything...more power to you..that is your right also...but don't go around telling me what I should or should not do.
Okay gotta go..............Dave
and to those
"Chag Sa'meach.....Enjoy your Seder's....and remember..'Why is this night different from all other nights....Ma NishTaNa Ha Lai La Hazeh........."
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