Good Morning;
Well it was another day of 'inertia in action', which can also be read, "inertia=inaction".
And after finally getting myself out of the fetal position and dressed and in motion, after spending all afternoon with maps and train and bus schedules and routes to figure out if I could get there and back to "The Spoken Word" poetry reading without getting stranded in the middle of the night; in the middle of nowhere, or, in the middle of the 'hood,.....(I love Michelle ...'Truly, Madly, Deeply', but her driving scares the piss out of me, especially since I have already 'died' in one auto accident, and do not wish to repeat the feat, I don't remember the actual dying/death part, but take it from me, {and I'm sure JC will back me on this}, resurrection is a stone cold bitch!).....,and right after I get settled on the Light gets cancelled because of a power failure at the Thai Cafe. Back to the coffeeshop, dinner, Allan stops by, (and he must have a remote sensing "Bitch-o-Meter" 'cause he always seems to pop in when I'm in the foulest mood), we talked. I had to call Erik because the laptop still tells me to activate something that is already activated or it will be kicking my ass to the Internet curb in 3 days, so I need to meet with him tomorrow (today), unless the friggin' rain starts first......we are supposed to get some continuous downpours of Biblical proportions between Wednesday evening and Friday morning. There are flood warnings posted already, an open casting call has gone out for men named Noah with sailing and animal husbandry experience....and no that last phrase does not mean shepherds with wives named "Baaaa-bra"!
Then it was out here to the Giant where I met Jenn shopping and gave her a B-A-B of breakfast sandwiches to store in the fridge and freezer. (oh that stands for Big Ass!), and since not much else went off well today why should this be any different? I alternate between her phone number and the 'ex'es' as my Giant Bonus Card ID to give them both the gas points at Shell. Well guess who did not know she had a coupon for 5% of her next purchase....and happened to go through the check out line before she did when he bought his box of single serve instant coffee packets? Yeah that would be me, and of course she was buying almost $300.00 worth of groceries this time.
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
Add in the oncoming stomach cramps that I am feeling and the cold sore/fever blister forming on my upper lip, (and I NEVER get them) the now frozen fingers of my right hand and the tip of the index finger on my left hand, (the only part not touching the fan exhaust of the, and it's the perfect end to a perfect day.
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