Monday, March 7, 2011

"The Old Gray Mare........................or...................The 'Gray Lady' Sings The Blues................."......

Good Morning;

Well I decided to type this one in gray, (which is basically for my own amusement now that I have no real control of the color YOU are going to be, because that's the kind of day it's been. Warm muggy gray, wet rainy gray, misty foggy gray, cold wet clammy gray, Dorian Gray, Long Gray Line, Macy Gray, battleship gray, Gray's Anatomy, Gray Squirrel, Gray Goose, (which would be much appreciated right now)...etc...etc...etc. Take your choice of one of the ready made grays, or mix and match and create your own!
The day started when I woke up at 6:00 am. to adjust the fluid level in my internal wastewater treatment, storage & disposal system to a solid gray curtain of rain and temps. in the upper 50s. After taking my morning meds I lay, (laid..layed...??) back down and all three of us, (me, myself, & LLP, incorporated in Delaware for tax purposes), went back to sleep to the hypnotic rhythm of the steady tapping of all the various leaks and the soft sussuration of the wheels of the cars passing by.
I woke up again about 8:00 am. to the world covered in a soft wet fuzziness and the sound of Led Zeppelin's "Misty Morning Hop" echoing off the buildings as a juvenile 'longhaired metalhead' and an elderly 'grayhaired no-see-um' did the 'fender fandango' in the thickening haze. I crawled back into the coccoon and slipped back into sleep after checking what was the latest time I needed to be up and out and at the bus stop to be a the JCC to meet Rachel as she came off stage. Which happened to be
1:15 pm., so I spent the next 3 & 1/2 hours curled up on top of the sleeping bag, (I was that warm), and drifting in and out of some of the weirdest dreams I have had in a longgggg time!
(One of the mildest of which was about the verbal exchange I had with my Neurologist, who happens to be, young, blond, tall, and hot!..........[and who, for her privacy, and my wellbeing..{remember this is the woman who was stabbing needles and electrodes in my leg and wiggling them around....and that was her version of 'gentle'...I'm still cramping up and feeling the! Not gonna piss her off with any invasion of privacy issues!}..will remain nameless!].......(okay is everybody caught up now and clear on the encapsulated parenthetical commentary....lmao!....good back to the main thread about my dream.....ummm, where was I going with this now???....oh, yeah....As she is twisting that last probe around in my calf like a little kid trying to get the last little drop of milkshake out of a cup, she is asking various questions related to the pain/tingling/numbness in my hands and right foot and also other areas. and about any changes in sleep patterns, eating habits, exercise, etc.
She also asked about libido...higher, lower, etc.....I looked her in the eye and said........
"Well, first of all, I'm not seeing anyone so there is no real baseline for comparison, but in general, between depression and certain of the meds, it is pretty damn figure it out....I'm laying, (lieing?---it's only the 2 of us today, myself had a meeting.....LOL!), here half-ass naked with the sheet that's supposed to be covering me fallen off, and two beautiful women are running there hands up and down my arms, leg and foot and leaning your bodies into me at times, and my pulse and respiration rate, not to mention my BP, are staying the same, and I'm bantering with you on a technical level and NOT throwing out risque' double entendres.......besides which the 'space shuttle' has not only NOT lifted off for near earth orbit, has not even left the damn hangar!"
Barely getting it all out with a straight face, I could not hold it back as I watched the dawning comprehension on her face and the technician's face as they parsed the sentence for meaning.....LMFAO!!! It's a good thing the testing was over at that point, because the seriousness, gravity, and medical decorum flew out the window. Thank goodness for people with senses of humor who are not afraid to take them out of their packing and play with them!)
So I got up and out and over to the bus stop under the hovering slate bgray rain clouds at 1:15 pm. and caught the bus to the bus to the JCC and arrived early enough to talk to Rachel for a minute as she was waiting to go on stage, just after 2:00 pm. By 2:30 pm. she was dressed and we walked through the warm, gray drizzle to the bus stop just in time to catch the bus to Mt. Washington. We walked into the coffeeshop just as the rain let loose in dark gray sheets of water. After playing musical chairs we finally table hopped to one of the big tables when Rob let us know he was leaving and saved the table as we ran across to Whole Foods in the deepening gray twilight. Rachel can eat like horse, but at least she likes health foods as well as garbage, and burns it off quick. We hit the salad and hot bars for broccoli and 2 kinds of chicken and cold pasta and cucumbers and tiny grape tomatoes and sesame sticks, and turkey in gravy and macaroni & cheese and mashed potatos plus a couple of 'pretzel rolls' from the bakery...(they are awesome if you heat them and butter them....uummmmm!), and a can of root beer and one of ginger ale. All that for $10.00, and there were only crumbs left! Well, she took home half her roll and a can of ginger ale because I have a bucket of sugar cookies from Giant still.
We had just started eating around 4:15 pm. when her mother called and wanted to know if she was ready to be picked up We made arrangements for around 5:30 pm. and finished eating and set up the Bookworm Adventures Deluxe on the laptop and played that for 2 hours and then Rachel got on and took over the computer for herself. I looked at the time and it was 7:00 pm. already and called her OOOPS! they were so tired out from all the opening night nervousness Saturday night and then a 2:00 pm. matinee today she just sat down and spaced out for a She came by to get Rachel about 15 minutes later and I started packing up and then walked over to the bus stop. Typical Sunday night bad weather ride that you've heard me bitch about before.
Damn! there was just a wind gust that rattled the shed to it's foundations! The wind has picked up steadily now that the rain has finally stopped... and how did it get to be 3:30 am. already!!!! No wonder my fingers feel like frozen sausages!
Back to the bus ride...
The bus was 20 minutes late and the driver was on his last run of the night, so of course he was speeding more than usual, regardless of the road and weather conditions, to say nothing of the condition of the bus or comfort and safety of the passengers. I had a 30 minute wait for the next bus up to here and I had only my light jacket, it is always windy at the Plaza station and it was getting colder then too., Normally I have few more minutes wait at Mt. Washington for the bus that is scheduled for 8:20 pm. which at first I thought the one I caught was, (until I saw it pull in 15 minutes after I got dropped off), and have much less time standing around waiting. Anyway, I hit the Giant and when I came out the rain was a deluge! I stood there for 20 minutes waiting for it to slow down enough to walk to the shed without getting soaked to the skin.
And that's it, came in, set-up bedding, turned on laptop, dealt with e-mail, wrote this post,
" an' froze me effin' digits off, mate! "

Tomorrow is an appointment with the Neurosurgeon...( no....he is the large black man, it's the Neurologist who I saw last week......and this morning, in my
Then I am going to go over to Jenn's and do laundry, which is a critical level now!
Damn.....what was THAT noise?!? Something very large and very metal just blew across the parking lot....and sounded like it hit one of the Giant night crews cars!!

Then eat, shower, shave, dress, and probably head over to the coffeeshop.

OKAY!!, Now THAT was something large and wooden, I have to go look outside this time!!!!!!

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