Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Ghosts From The Past.................Children Of The Future.........."

Good Afternoon;

Well, I'm back....if anybody cares.
When I left the library on Monday, I did the typical Starbucks then ride back with Jenn after her meeting routine. Tuesday morning I planned to go over her house to shower and have a hot meal in the morning. Welllllll, after waking up at 8:00 am., which was just a bit too early, I took my morning meds and sat back down on the sleeping bag to watch the news on the portable thing I know it's 11:00 am. and I was still sitting up leaning against the shelf that was digging into my left side and from which I still have a mark, 3 days

So it was Giant then Jenn's to eat and shower, and play with the grandkids, and I left there about 3:30 pm. I was on the Metro subway train down to catch the Light Rail to Mt. Washington when the phone rang. It was not a number I recognized and I almost let it go to voicemail as I was about to go into the tunnel and lose reception...BUT!...something said to me, 'No, you really want to answer this call!', I did.
And I am damned glad I did, even though the delayed reaction from the information I received put me into a state of depression so deep that once I got into the shed Tuesday night, I did not leave it until an hour ago, except once to go to the gas station to use the commode and once to go to the Giant to get hot water for coffee and also use the bathroom. From 10:00 pm. Tuesday night until 1:00 pm. today, (Thursday), I just lay there in the sleeping bag.

The phone call was from a lawyer who I am casually acquainted with through his having a vacation home in Florida and who frequented one of the bars/restaurants I was involved with in Florida, and who also knew Lisa, my friend who just passed on. He said he had a package for me and when could I come into his office. Since he is located in the Inner Harbor area, right next to Camden Yards Light Rail Stop, I went right over.
Once there and the initial pleasantries, reminisces, and condolences were out of the way he brought over a file box of documents, photographs and digital memory cards, and assorted papers. These were all from Lisa and her husband Bill, to be given to me upon her death or May 13th 2014, whichever came first. I had to sign a release that I would not initiate contact or publish certain details here in the blog or in any other way before the date above, or unless some other events happen first. (So the names I am using are not the real names of my friends). All I can say now is that there was some real estate deed transfers I had to sign off on as trustee and some other things that needed my signature as 'guardian in abstemtia' permitting day to day administrative details to be handled by an appointee in Florida. Plus some updated medical/donor information to which I suddenly became privy that needed my signing off on.
There was also a long letter and a copy of Lisa's will, along with a DVD with a personal and private message for me that had been password protected with something only I would know. (And even after 18 years came right to my mind ay the very first attempt!)
Seeing Lisa in this video, which was made in 4 separate filmings over the past 18 years; as she was when we ended our love affair, as she was the last time I saw her, at her wedding 14 years ago, as she was when she began to get sick, and just last month when she knew the end was near, was a bittersweet feeling.
Anyway, I have to leave as my time is up,
I hope to be able to finish this tomorrow.

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