Happy Monday;
I was just thinking about some of the sometimes strange, sometimes funny, sometimes ironic, and sometimes sad paradoxes I and others on the street face.
One of which, that you yourself may have come into contact with is the "pre-existing condition" clause in insurance policies, and the differing interpretations, depending on which side of Wall street you live on.
With medical assistance this is sometimes illustrated by the vicious cycle of when an application is filed, in relationship to when the illness is treated...dates are everything.
I deal with the fact almost daily that because I choose not to look like a derelict, I am not believed when telling social workers and others I am homeless, thereby wasting the limited time that is allotted at every meeting.
I am also thinking ahead here, but what do I do when..(NOT if ..WHEN!!), I find a residence.......I really like this blog!!!..LOL
In a somewhat more serious vein, personal relationships can be quite confusing, when one finds someone they care for and who seems to be interested in them, but the feelings of inequality and inadequacy in a possible relationship, due to the (real and/or imagined) inability to 'bring something to the table' in a material sense can be crippling to self-esteem.
Remember the old-fashioned, simple relationships of yesteryear.............
Boy Meets Girl---Boy Loses Girl---Boy Inflates New Girl!!
"Honey, Why are you HISSSSSING at me, Oh Dear, I think our relationship is going FLAT"
I'm sorry, I took a break to answer an e-mail and lost my train of thought, if I can recover it, I'll be back this evening.
It is time to go stand in rush hour traffic, I need laundry money and things like razors and foot powder and deoderant...(refer to above..keywords "not & derelict"...LOL...), I just have to have enough money to survive 'til the 2nd, when I should be able to get some money owed me, and pay off the few small debts I owe. if that does not come through..i must wait until the 7th for my Food Stamps (no cash..but I'll splurge on ONE good meal).
I'd like to say Hello and thank you to a new friend, Laura Adams, of The Cambridge School, in Pikesville, we had lovely talk and discussion about homeless and faith, and the power of belief and it's integral neccessity for positive attitude if one wants to do more than just 'survive'. Yes and you know damn well that I stressed Gratitude and Perception..LOL.
One thing I forgot to mention, Laura, ...Hebrews 11.1..
times up i gotta go............Hi Mary
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