Good afternoon;
A few posts back I advertised for a mentor, I am modifying the job description to "KEEPER"..or.."MINDER" about "SUPER NANNY"? I just can't seem to get my ass moving today, and when I do start stumbling on I can't seem to get out my own way.
It has reached 'critical mass' here at 'meltdown central', out of meds, out of money, out of food except for a jar of peanut butter and a spoon, hell I'm down to my last pair of socks and undies..LOL, out of deoderant, and I am out of ENERGY!!!, and I've reached my self imposed credit limit for my meds, so I GOTTA!! hit the streets and hustle up some bucks, but I just don't feel like doing anything. Tired, achy, irritable, sore, and I've being visited by Montezuma..and he's not in a good mood either!!...Yeah, Yeah...T.M.I...but it's my blog, and you've got an off switch....LOL...
if you are interested, google--- Alex Grey Sacred Mirrors, check out the videos by a Phil Alloco..(?spelling) on myspace and youtube...very cool stuff
gotta go..DAVE
Don Caplan is going to be 82 years old in about a week, he's been working at Brooks Brothers Men's Clothiers for 27 years. He still goes to work every day at The Gallery at Harborplace, partly because of the desire to keep being active and useful and partly because the economy tanked and so did most of his retirement fund. Hea has befriended me almost as son at times because his own daughter and son-in-law, (or it may be the reverse), passed away within a year of each other, a few years ago, and his grandson is in Florida, right now. He is a great guy, intelligent, witty and very compassionate, and treats my homelessness as just another fact of life, and not as some "moral failing" or "social disease", and boy do I get enough of that. We meet at Starbucks a few mornings a week and just talk, he has unquestioningly and willingly loaned me a couple dollars on occasion, and is quite gracious in his understanding.
If you or anyone you know is about to buy a good suit or wants some clasic and classy clothing, please give him and his firm a thought. This is my way of expressing my gratitude and appreciation for a true gentleman, and an honest and aboveboard salesman. Pass it on...Pay it forward.
All Right I'm OUTTA HERE, time to go "rely on the kindness of strangers" like Blanche DuBois...wish me luck.......thanks for your indulgence, back tomorrow..........DAVE
p.s........Immodium....just as good as THE U.S. Marines.......
(and for those who are saying..HUH?......,"From the Hall of Montezuma......")
OY!!!---"REVENGE" OH..NOW you get it....Sheeesh....LOL....
'When Do We Eat'
it's almost Passover already!!
and to my Christian friends...remember, the Last Supper WAS a seder!!
to anyone of any other sect, belief, or religous persuasion, it's a funny and touching movie, 'try it you'll like it!'.......dbc it if you must
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