Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gratitude, Goddesses, and Guilt

Have you ever been overcome or overwhelmed by two conflicting emotions at one time? I had walked out of the Starbucks to go down the hill to the gas station mini mart for a couple of minutes and when I returned my friend from MICA was sitting there trying to catch up on some administrative work. We started to chat and a whole bunch of pent up frustration and anger began to bubble up, and she graciously allowed me to vent..(you all are okay but electrons just don't cut it in the emotional feedback department..LOL)...and I must have shown more concern about the weather than I was trying to let out come to the surface, I thought I was treating it with a serious but cavalier attitude, kinda que sera sera-ish, but I guess some of my fear seeped through.
We were deep enough in conversation that it was closing time and neither realized it and had not even begun to pack up. As we were leaving she said she was going to go to the Giant to get some cash to give to me to get a room for the night, I tried to dissuade her, although I must be honest, not as strong as I could have, nor did I outright refuse. Well she met me at the library and handed me enough for a room tonight, I am so choked up right now and I am also feeling guilty for taking the money..although it was not solicited, and was freely given. I tried to make an attempt to repay/return/reciprocate the gesture, but was politely rebuffed...when I get this grocery gift card I have coming...well we shall see!!! For my own self respect I have to do something in return, even if I cannot match the amount, I can treat her to something special or fancy that she would not normally buy for her self....or better yet I'll buy it for her daughter, that way she cannot refuse...LOL..........anyway, it is closing time...
back tomorrow.........................Dave

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