Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Beef...........But NO!! Beans!.........And Definitely NO More Spam!........"

Good Afternoon again;
Well it looks as if I have been drafted again tonight to watch the kids and veg out in front of the cable!
I was e-mailing Jenn and when I told her I was not spending the night as guest of the State to give me time to reflect on my sins, I got the question "are you STILL available to watch the kids tonight?....". Hmmmmmm, she must have slipped the original request in sometime when I was 'mentlly preoccupied' and I must have responded in the! Oh well, I get the chance to cook anyway, Steak!....So RARE it's still!
Yeah...just walk that bad boy in front of the fire!
As to spending the night.....I'll see whether my back is up to the couch or recliner....and whether I want to be in the middle of the 'wakey-wakey' morning mishegos tomorrow!
Just to let anyone who got an e-mail about cheap Chinese laptops and electronics for sale from my address....seems as if I've been hacked, either here or from Facebook, or Hotmail, and my address book added to a robotic auto-send spammer device.
Sorry! It weren't me podner!!

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