Good Afternoon;
When I left here yesterday to stop by Mike's for a minute on the way to Jenn's the rain had almost stopped and I thought it was the end of it. Silly me! I had given my umbrella, (one of the three I collected this week just laying around on benches, bus stops, the train or the ground in public areas where the likely hood of anyone returning to look for them was extremely low), to a woman I met in the Giant who I knew from the Pikesville Starbucks that has closed up. She, Charlotte, and her daughter Ixia, were walking home with their groceries and had farther to walk than I..(or so I thought!)..and I have 2 more left in the shed anyway. I took the bus to Mike's street and he had told me 'last house on the right', for some reason, (maybe the fact that I have not been down that particular street in 30 years?), I had the impression that this street was only a block or so long. Half a mile later I came to his house and as I came up on the porch the rain began to come down again in torrents. When I started to leave a bit later for Jenn's he offered to drive me, and being lazy but not stupid, I of course jumped at the chance.
When I got to Jenn's the rain had slackened a bit again, but by the time I made a sandwich, ate, and packed my bag of food for today the full fury of the third and final batch of precipitation had hit. I asked Jenn if she or Tom would drive me back to the shed when he got home from his meeting and she said sure. A few minutes later she called to me and said she had just talked to Tom and he was on the way home and said "it was like a full blown monsoon out there, tell Dave he's staying on the couch!"...again, being lazy but not stupid....LOL!, I took advantage of it!. Not expecting to sleep there or spend the night I had not brought my sleep wear or my dirty laundry, so when Jenn asked me to walk over to the office and out $20.00 on the laundry card and told me I could do a load on them, I had only the few things left there from the last time and what I had on to wash...story of my life..get a freebie and can't take full advantage of
After I showered and shaved and downed about 9 cups of fresh brewed coffee I ate and packed up my 'food bag' and hit the road for the library. I got here about 2:30 pm. and after I finish this I'm heading over to Mt. Washington to see what damages, if any were suffered by the Starbucks and whole Foods there. The whole area was evacuated yesterday morning due to the rising flood waters, but the TV coverage never showed the extent, if any, of the flooding. They did show more of the installation of the I-beams that I watched the workers do on Wednesday.
When I left the shed I only expected to be gone for about 2 hours, so I did not roll up the sleeping bag and blankets and pads, and put everything away in it's place as I usually do. I worried about the wind blowing open the door, it has been really gusty out, but when I walked by there this afternoon on the way here all looked secure and 'normal'. There was a car in the parking lot so I did not linger to go inside and explore further...I guess I'll find out tonight when I get back.
Tomorrow, I am supposed to get my little bit of cash, and it looks as if it is committed already. I have to put $20.00 on my phone or lose service, I owe about $40.00 that I need to pay back, another $17.00 for the monthly bus pass, and at least $50.00 for meds. I have to put some aside for time with Rachel and I guess I'll have enough left for 1 excursion for myself somewhere, whether it's a restaurant, bar, movie, show...etc. Then there are the little everyday things that crop up, personal hygiene items, OTC meds, coffee, et. al.
This is Free Fall Baltimore month by the way, so there is a boatload of events and attractions with no admittance fee for this month only.
(link above)
I have not yet looked the site over in detail, but I know some of the stuff fills up way early, so you need to sign up now. Other things are more relaxed, especially the places that are free the whole month.
It was just mentioned to me that it is Succos every day for me, living in a ramshackle 'booth', (Succoh), open to the night sky as it is......LOL!
There is an article in the Baltimore City Paper, (part 3 of 4), on addiction, treatment, and housing in Baltimore that my be of interest to some of the loyal readers here. The link is in the post titled
"We Are Not In The Housing Business"
either just previous to or just after this one.
Ditto for an article in the Baltimore Sunpaper about the loss of funding for housing for the homeless and the disabled, in the post tiltled:
"Null And Void"
I'm done here today and it's close to closing time..
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