Saturday, October 2, 2010

" Dumpster Dave's Carpet Fair.....If You Don't Shop Here......'You're Making A Big Mistake!'...."

Good Morning;
And a beautiful morning it is too!
Last night was great sleeping weather, I was in the sleeping bag and zipped it up for the first time since last spring. At some point last night I woke up and my toes were actually! I put on fresh clean socks and went back to sleep.

I went to the coffee shop after I left here yesterday and checked out the area dor signs of flood damage. The water did not seem to have reached any of the buildings that I could see. I left there at closing and waited and waited and waited for the #58 bus which did not show, I think the newest driver on this route is pulling in and pulling out 10 to 12 minutes early and not waiting until the scheduled time of 10 minutes after the hour, (it is the same time on every evening run except fot the 7:15 pm. trip), so I jumped on the #27 bus and then we had to wait on Belvedere Avenue between Park Heights Ave. and Reisterstown Rd. while this old drunken junkie idiot argues and fussed with the bus driver, spilling his damn beer and falling down all over the place before he was 'gently convinced' to leave the bus by some of the passengers. All the buses were messed up and out of sync last night. Whether it was the MTA or the drivers I'm not sure, but it was a mess. I got back to Pikesville just before 11:00 pm. and stopped in the Giant for a bottle of Powerade that I had found a coupon for.
As I was leaving and going past the dumpsters near First Watch Cafe I noticed that the upscale liquor store must have gotten a huge shipment of wines in that day because of all the boxes. I took advantage of this by grabbing a dozen or so of the sturdiest boxes, most with a high gloss finish for that little extra bit of water re-carpeted the foyer and the main hallway, (LOL!), of the shed. The old flooring which I just replaced a week or two ago was completely overwhelmed and waterlogged due to the massive influx of rainwater from the storm and starting to dissolve back into a pulpy mess, kinda like bran flakes that you are about to eat for breakfast when the phone rings and you forget about them for an hour and when you get back to them they have absorbed all the milk and using the sugar sprinkled on them have transmogrified themselves into a paste-like alien life form that refuses to surrender the spoon you left in the bowl.

Yeah, well....when my sneaker became mired in the muck.....I decided it was time for new 'carpet'.

I bagged all the old cardboard and took it to a dumpster then went to the gas station to wash up. I found a dollar on the parking lot and tried my luck at the Keno for the first time in weeks.....and it is still on hiatus. I wanted something to snack on so I went to the 'Dunkin Dumpster' and grabbed a 'chocolate iced bagel twist' ?!?!? NOT! one of their better ideas....LOL! It not only looked like a dog's rawhide chew toy, it had the texture and taste of one also....but WTF, I guess you can coat anything with chocolate swirls and some idiot will buy it....LOL!
I was not sleepy yet so I watched the pilot and the first regular episode of the SF channel's space opera series "Firefly" until about 2:00 am. and then went to sleep. I woke up about 7:00 am. to pee, fell back asleep, and got up at 9:00 am. I ended up talking and wandering around the Giant for an hour, getting something for breakfast, (which I have yet to, and getting my cash off the card in 3 transactions at the register because I can't use it at an ATM due to a faulty magnetic strip....and there is $5.00 me!! get a new card even though the damage is not my fault and occurred while the card was in the possession of one of the caseworkers at D.S.S. who placed it on or near something that wiped part of the data off the strip. So here I am now about to head out on my rounds and get my monthly bus pass, and put some money/minutes on my Virgin Mobile phone before I lose service and the number for good, and to head over towards Hopkins and pick up my meds, then I have to stop and see Monkee, and.....most likely end up at the Starbucks later. The grand-monsters are at Jenn's mother's house this weekend so I'm going to give Jenn and Tom as much alone time as possible. If he is DJing anytime this weekend, and Jenn is going out, I am going to try to stop by while they are gone and do the rest of my laundry. Or, if Jenn is home and wants company stop by in the evening and do it and maybe cook for us.
Okay....I'm outta here for now.
The Library opens on Sundays starting tomorrow at 1:00 pm.!
See you later...

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