Saturday, May 11, 2013

"Just Checkin' In........................So You Know I Haven't 'Checked Out'....................."

Good Morning;

So..... it's been 5 days short of a month since my last post.... Even with the spotty wifi access I have been dealing with when I am here at Jenn's that I could blame part of the absence on..... the real reason has been a major episode of classical clinical depression. A definite yes on 13 out of 15, and one maybe, on the Burns Depression Checklist;
(I'm not going to tell you the actual score.... but it was up there!)

Life has gotten even more complicated and it of course had to happen just about the same time as I started receiving my S.S.I. benefits, even though  it's a totally unrelated brand of bullshit, and what's coming off the fan and spraying me is actually collateral damage from other's explosions and implosions.
(I can't go into details now because of confidentiality issues, but more will be forthcoming in future posts as time and distance allow.)

I went to my interview and application session at HABC, (Housing Authority of Baltimore City), for my HCVP, (Housing Choice Voucher Program formerly Section 8), vouchers on Monday with a representative from HCH who drove me over and dropped me off afterwards at the Light Rail. I should hear from them in about 4 weeks.... the search for a place is about to begin next week when I go back to HCH to meet with my caseworker. For the past couple weeks and at least until the end of May, I have been and will be, here at Jenn's...... (for reasons that will be explained later, as stated above).

Anyway..... I'm still alive, if anyone was wondering, and I'll be trying to post more in the future.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering... I found your blog threw a old city paper or Baltimore mag. hope your OK.