Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Close Encounters Of The Law Enforcement Kind......OR........'Good Cop - Bad Cop'........"

Good Evening;
Well, ...I've got to hand it to Evan Serpick, the Editor at the Baltimore City Paper.
He does one hell of a job skimming the dross from the material I occasionally send him that are 'less than print ready' The one at the link below would have been fine as a blog entry, where my rambling, lengthiness, and at times out of continuity flow of ideas are not competing for precious page space, but  was a poor fit in the paper. The depressive writing slump I'm in has affected my editing also, if not my ability...my desire......lol.
Anyway, nice and tight, with the plethora of examples trimmed away, here is....;
Good Cop-Bad Cop - Columns - Baltimore City Paper


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