Friday, April 12, 2013

"WANTED -- Room With A View................... OR NOT!!!!!.................."

Good Evening;

Well...... I had hoped by this time, a month after receiving the lump sum back payment of my S.S.I., that the title of this blog would be incorrect as regards my living situation.
No Such Luck!
I am over Jenn's again for a couple nights, where I have spent about 1/3 of the past month, the remaining 2/3 of the past month were spent on and off between my visits up here in the HoJo's motel in Pikesville. I felt sure I would find an affordable room share in an apartment or a rooming or boarding house based on the ads I was seeing while waiting for my money to be disbursed. But it seemed that as soon as I was in a position to pay for one, there was nothing available in either a decent neighborhood, (and I have been steadily downgrading my standards in that respect), or within my price range, or that did not require a years lease to be locked in.

Between burning up Craigslist 18 hours of 24, and getting more and more depressed, I have not wanted to write anything, either here or for the City Paper. My frustration and anxiety levels are rising in inverse proportion to my cash balance as time seems to be both at standstill and rushing past.

I HAVE to find a place in the coming week, I just cannot afford motel rates, even the dumps cost at least $50.00 a night!, and I realllllly don't want to sleep on the sidewalk anymore.....ever! I don't mind the outdoor sleeping so much, if there was a place near enough to do so I'd buy a tent and stay in a campground.... it's the sense of futility of having money but nowhere to stay!

Anyway, I'm going to try to make myself write more, for your sake Loyal Reader as much as my own sanity. I have been noticing the daily visits decline steadily over the past few weeks as I look at the analytics report from Sitemeter each week.

And if anyone hears of or knows of someone with a room to rent on a week to week or month to month basis, and as long as it's safe, secure, and clean... and in a neighborhood where an older white guy is not automatically looked upon as either a target..... or a potential customer...... please drop me an e-mail, or Comment below.

I'm focusing on the area in the North or Northwest area of Baltimore or the asjacent sections of the County in an arc approximately encompassing all or part, (in certain!!!  neighborhoods!) Towson, Charles Village, Hampden, Remington, Bolton Hill, Mt. Washington, Pikesville, Middle Park Heights, (ABOVE!! Northern Pkwy.), and if the price is low enough- which I'm not going to hold my breath on- Fells Point/Canton/Brewers Hill. Also possibly Reisterstown-OwingsMills-Garrison-Milford Mill, IF the place was with in 2 blocks of a bus line or the subway stations. But I'll consider other areas, if A)- I know the area, and B)- The price just can't be refused.


1 comment:

elana r. snyder said...

i feel ur pain. i have cycled in and out of homeless since 94, in large part because of high housing costs, despite having the monthly disability check. i know , we are getting old, and living like this gets old. all the best elana