Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Long Green With a Short Fuse?......................"

Good Morning;

So ..... this is in reply to Becky624's comment on the "Helter Shelter" post:
Becky..... WOW! That is quite a limited range of options. I'm pretty sure that there  are a few more choices available to anyone.

I know that for Section 8 housing, once you are approved, you can live anywhere, at any residence, within the jurisdiction of the adminstering agency, (City, County, Etc.), that accepts the Section 8 payments. That could be a regular apartment complex, (some of which are required to have 'mixed income' levels, if built with any Federal or State funding), straight up all subsidized unit complexes, what used to be known as 'the projects', or single family homes, or houses made into apartments or rooming houses. Even some 'residence motels' accept it.

Of course 'marrying rich' is not an option I'd refuse.....(depending on her 'pre-nup').... 'cause love and money are not always incompatible!.....LOL!     ;~)

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