Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another cold day

It's another cold, cold day, and luckily I've been inside for the most part of it,
I went over the ex's house showered, washed clothes, and played with my daughter. I hit the corner anout 3:00 pm and only lasted about an hour and 15 minutes until my feet and hands hurt so bad I was forced to go ride the train to get warm, if it had not been so windy I could have stayed out longer, and made a fair amount of money. As it is I have enough for food, meds, and to put $10.00 on my phone, which is not a luxury but has become a lifeline. ( I only use it to make appts. or arrange to make contact on a pay phone, and for incoming calls in the same manner.) Tomorrow being XMAS eve I am hoping to hit the street early as I can stand the cold, (hoping it reaches at least freezing temp.) and get enough for a bus pass for January, Hannukah gifts for Rachel, and to get ahead in my med budget, if I get some spending money it would be a real treat, but I would rather find someone to work out a rent/barter deal with. Library is closing now..and closed for the next two days..........Goodnight all and Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to everyone who stops by to read this exercise in exorcism.

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