Friday, July 3, 2009

"Blowin' In The Wind............OR.............Just Flapping In The Breeze??.................."

Good Afternoon;

And a Happy Independence Day to all, as I begin writing this the Monkees' "Pleasant Valley Sunday" is coming on the headphones as I listen to's 'Summer Station' Ad Free Radio channel, fitting yet depressing, for this 4th of July weekend, since it looks like I'll be spending it alone at the coffee shop, because the library will be closed for 2 days, and I'm near broke, and feeling unmotivated to go begging (..Psychoanalysis Alert:..I think there is some sort of deeper meaning here, I've said f*ck it to all the euphemisms I've been using, ..."I am a BEGGAR!", I've said it, I'm not ashamed, but I'm not real satisfied either..........maybe change is a comin'.....??)

Let's NOT forget our reason for the holiday, and the people who have made it possible......... ... help a homeless veteran, or at least Thank one!!
Saw Ted at the Starbucks today, he told me that he had been in Europe on business, the South of France, among other spots....Nice Work, If You Can get It!!, as the old song says..(just razzin' ya Ted.....LOL). He also reminded me that....
"Persistence Beats Resistance"
I'm in need of a 'spine transplant' and a good old fashioned kick in the pants too!
I really do have to make a move!
It's closing time.........see you Monday.......BE SAFE.
And if you have my phone number...Call Me and Invite me to a Picnic on the 4th.........(with COLD beer .PLEASE......LOL)....[but seriously....CALL ME......HAVE BUS PASS WILL TRAVEL!!................)

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