Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Heat Exchange....................Not Doctor Who------Doctor When?......................"

Good Evening;'s thundering and spitting rain right now, and there is a broken line of storms moving through for the next few hours, it's just a matter of time before one of the cells dumps on us here.
It's gonna cool it off for 20 minutes an then raise the humidity through the roof.
I was asked why I devote so much space to the weather, well it probably is the most significant factor in the life of someone living on the street.
Think about it.

I got into the shed about 4:00 am. despite the heat, aired it out as best I could and passed out for 3 hours until I was forced out at 7:00 am. by the rising temps. After stopping in the Giant to use the restroom, wash up, and spend my last $0.50 except for tomorrow's bus fare on one of the 2oz. pkgs. of Buddig 'chopped, pressed, formed' lunch meats on sale. After using my last roll it's now 'peanut butter on a poon' as my youngest stepson used to say, for the forseeable future.

Sat outside the library in the shade until 9:00 am. when they opened then stayed there until 3:00 pm.when I ended up getting on the "bus from hell!" to JAI Medical. A power mad bus driver, not only late but crazy from the heat and seemingly picking up only insane or heat stroked or doped up or tweaked out of their mind passengers.

I get to JAI at 3:47 pm. for my 4:00 pm appointment an see Jenn in the parking lot. She honks at me and I wave and yell hang on and go inside to check in first. Which was a good thing because I'm told that I'm late an my appointment has been given to someone else. Not a happy camper!!!!
After I show my appointment card saying 4:00 pm. and let them know that I WAS! seeing the doctor today and got it confirmed by higher, I went out to Jenn and grabbed the clean clothes she had washed for me.

I had just given a urine sample, (funny story about this later!!!!), and was waiting to give a blood sample when the nurse came and got me and took me back to the exam room, so I still have to go back an give a blood sample one day soon. After the bloodwork comes back, decisions need to be made about dealing with the gallbladder and spleen, and the liver, and the spinal issues, and possibly the neuropathy from the pneumonia surgery.
I also got referrals to the shrink, optometrist, an addictions coordinator, (all by consensus).

After leaving JAI I caught the bus to the light rail and here to the coffee shop, where I cadged my first an only cup of coffee today.

And it's close enough to closing time that I want to pack up and head out to the bus, the damn thing has either been 15 minutes early or an hour late.


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