Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Idiots And Morons And Fools...........Oh My!.........."

Good Afternoon;
So it has been a typical day of dealing with bureaucratic morons, (that is probably a redundancy), medical morons, incompetent idiots, and the "ex'es" ADD influenced apathetic lack of urgency or priorities.
As I surmised, replacing a missing card will take 10 days minimum as it is mailed out now, instead of the older system where it could be picked up on site.
Next, the geniuses at the desks behind the bulletproof glass at JAI, (and now I see why they need it), not only ignored my instructions to wait until I gave them my new mailing address, (Jenn's, the 'ex' is moving to a county address next month), and made the referral to the Neurosurgeon anyway, they mailed it to the "ex'es" address, where it sat, until today when I stopped by and was handed it....lost amidst the normal clutter, buried under the moving madness. Oh, Yeah, By The Way......I had an appointment with the Neurosurgeon on the 22nd of November at 11:00 pm..........Which Was YESTERDAY!!!!!
And did not bother to let me know by mail, after I had personally brought in the new address and handed it to the receptionist! Who apparently lost it somewhere between her desk and the medical records clerk at the desk 3 feet from her!, or by phone which had minutes at the time...both numbers.
Of course it is too late now to contact anyone, so tomorrow, after I go to Walmart with my caseworker, (who still has not gotten back to me with the time she wanted me to meet her) to look for a pair of boots, I have to go down to JAI and get a new appointment, this is not a place to trust to phone contacts, and as you can see, in person is not much better. If I did not love my doctor I would dump them for one of the other MCOs offered.
I did not cancel my Independence card yet because I have one last possibility to check, and then I am going to try and see if I can convince someone at the foodstore who knows me and knows my card, (which has to be entered manually because the magnetic strip is shot), to just let me tell her the number verbally and enter it. It can't be used with out the proper pin # anyway, so I don't see why it should be too much of a problem.....I Hope!
Anyway....time is up again.........

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