Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Perimeter Breach!!....Intruder Alert!!....Activate Offensive Maneuv......Abort-Abort-Abort!!!....................."

Good Afternoon;

So....the door was seriously ajar when I headed over to the shed to try to get some rest this morning at 3:45 am. My telltales were down and the door was poorly wedged in the doorframe. I took my flashlight in my left hand and my 'attitude adjustment tool' inmy right and heaved the door up and over to the side and walked up and stood over a person sleeping in my space at the dry end of the shed. "Luckily"....and that is a relative term..., it was Ivan a local 20-21-0r so year old kid who I have had some dealings with. I have given him sandwiches, pastries, and bus fare on occasion and talked with him. Unluckily he is an active druggie, admitted thief, shoplifter, and burglar of opportunity with whom I try to keep a certain distance. NOT someone I would offer space to...I cannot afford to be involved in the residual fallout the next time the cops come looking for him!

I have to go catch a bus to Jenn's now.........more info to follow.


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