Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Back-achin' And Scrambled Legs......................"

Good Evening;
Well I'm sitting here at the end of a crappy day with my fingertips going numb for no easily discernible reason.....just freakin' wonderful.

The day started out before dawn when I tried to get up to pee and I could not get up because my left leg wouldn't support me and was like a piece of cooked spaghetti with the jitters.....spasming at irregular intervals. My left hip and lower back were on fire and hurt like hell.
After rolling to my belly and climbing upright on my right leg using the shelves as handholds, control slowly returned...as did feeling..."OUCH OUCH OUCH F*CK F*CK F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seems the 'harmless benign fatty tumor' on the sciatic nerve ain't so benign!
Guess what the doctor said.....yup..."we have to run more tests".
"Hello Neurology....it's me again!"

Anyway, limped to the Giant and library eventually, as more control returned. About 1:00 pm. things were as normal as they ever are and I took the bus/train/train to the coffee shop.

Good news I've gone almost 180 degrees in the intestinal department....lol.

Time to go......

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