Monday, January 2, 2012

"Interior Decorating With The Corrugated Cowboy! ...."

Good Evening; got cold last night but more than the ambient air temperature it was the wind that got to me. I could feel and smell the 'winter' in it. I broke out the quilt which has to be folded in half so I get a double layer about 6 inches high on top of me over and above the top half of the sleeping bag. I have to fold and tuck the lower end under my feet, and both the upper bag I'm in and the old bag, and the quad folded blanket beneath them. I was so warm that getting out was difficult, both physically and! I did not even notice the many places where the wind shifted and displaced some of the flattened cardboard boxes 'patching' holes in the wall until after I was up and dressed and about to leave the shed.
Tomorrow's project is to check the recycle dumpster for the liquor store's discarded boxes as Tuesday is delivery day for most of their vendors. I pulled up the boxes that had slid down and over as much as I could this morning, but some are pretty warped from the rain and the interior runoff from the ceiling. I have to get a handful of tacks too, instead of just trying to wedge the cardboard in place.
More for precipitation and privacy, than sealing out the air which has a bazillion smaller cracks and crevices by which to enter.

{First in a series....Collect them all!}

I had a reply to my e-mail to the contractor whose notepad I stumbled onto. I called him back and we are to meet tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at the library.
He sounded both pleased and relieved to be able to recover his notes, etc. 

I was able to get my monthly bus pass today, so that is a relief, and tomorrow I am going to East Baltimore to get another couple weeks refill on one of my meds.
After stopping in the Giant I came here to Mt. Washington to the coffee shop, and that's about it for today. The MTA and just about everything except the Baltimore County Public Library system were either closed or running on a holiday schedule.


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