Saturday, October 23, 2010

"The Eyes Have It"

Good Afternoon;

Back to where we left off yesterday, at the the dental clinic on Thursday...

Except for the x-ray retakes with the digital sensors with the hard edges and sharp corners vs. my shallow mouth/gumline; and the fact that it is a school setting and every "i" must be dotted and every "t" must be crossed, then sometimes having to wait for an instructor to sign off on the procedure it went fine. Between Michelle and Ms. Dody, the Radiology instructor, both of whom were wearing surgical masks covering the mouth and the nose, and who both have bangs cut straight across just above eyebrow level, I spent the day peering into beautiful laughing green and blue

The most fun part was when Michelle had to check my gums and see how far down they are attached to the tooth, using a needle sharp probe marked in millimeters.
Normal is a depth of 1-2 mms., cause for concern is 3-4 mms., worry is 4+ mms.; I was evenly divided between all 3 categories...(6 mms. or more is major and urgent attention needed)....and I know this because she had to probe, measure, and record on a diagram on her computer work station EACH tooth...with measurements taken in THREE places!
At each touch of the probe I was flip flopping between a mild twitch and ripping the arms off the chair....LOL! Next she had to take a scraping, again from each tooth, to measure the amount of plaque, tartar, and calculus, again stopping and recording the results for each tooth on the computer.

But hey..I got to spend almost 4 hours with Michelle, and I realized first hand why all the women in the harems of all those ancient Persian and Arabian sheiks wore all the veils and scarves on their heads and faces.......the power of the eyes can be captivating and hypnotizing!......LOL!
(Maybe I'm not PC...but I am an unapologetic Romantic....LOL!)
Next Thursday begins the cleaning and polishing process.
(My teeth may still need some major work, and may never be bright white ever again.....but damn if they won't be a shiny light yellow.....LOL!)

After the clinic went back to Jenn's grabbed my bags and went over to the coffee shop for 3 hours. I ate and read and ended up with another 1/2 dozen sandwiches to take with me.
I went over to Mohnkee's about 9:30 pm. and got meds for the rest of the month and then it was back to the shed by 11:30 pm. The night was quiet for a dreams...thank goodness.

Friday I was up and out by 10:00 am. and had sandwiches from the night before for breakfast, (combining the 'guts' of one with the roll and 'fixin's' of another), then hit the library...and after I got back from my 'distraction duties' at the Giant I mentioned, I went over Jenn's as they were leaving and showerd and did all my laundry. I left there and caught the 10:32 pm. bus up to the gas station the hit the shed. I fell asleep by Midnight, woke twice for 'plumbing' reasons, and once at the normal time I usually wake and take my other meds at 7:30 am., falling back to sleep in seconds each time. I finally clawed my way up to (semi)-consciousness at 11:30 am. It took me another 30 minutes to fully awaken and dress and fold up the bedding, etc. before I went out and over to the giant and made my coffee......and here I am! It's 1:49 pm. now and I don't know what the day holds for me yet. I'm working with minimal funds for the next 10 days and have a couple sandwiches and doughnuts with me, and 2 sandwiches at Jenn's (maybe), so it's probably the Starbucks at Mt.Washington and the back patio to savor the weather. It is a fine cool and crisp and sunny afternoon so I'm not going to sit here until 5:00 pm. trapped in the 'hypno-cyber-gourd' again.


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