Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Pieces Of A Dream.....................OR.....................Nightmare On Elm Street?........"

Good Afternoon;
Wow! What a weird night!
After I left here yesterday I headed over to the Starbucks had a cup of decaf and talked with John Erbe of Umbrella Radio, (See link at left under 'Links And Thinks'), ate my turkey sandwich, and read for a while,...nice and normal. I took the buses back to the Giant, got my Powerade, drank some of that and sat on the bench in front of First Watch and read until I started to get cold, still normal. I slipped into the shed 'on the down low'..(it's Tuesday), and fixed the bag and blankets up and read for a bit until I kept dropping the book and re-reading the same sentence over and over and over, and went to sleep, again, still normal. Now the weird part begins...I don't dream all that much, or at least not very many memorable ones, but last night and early this morning......strange! I woke up just before dawn and found myself sitting up, crying, and digging in my bag. As I became conscious I realized I was in the middle of a very intense and seemingly realistic dream/nightmare/hallucination, and I was looking for a pistol to shoot myself!....BUT, I was a woman, and I had just been driving a car through the old neighborhood around Fords Lane trying to escape a shadowy, evil man whose face I never saw clearly, who was trying to first rape and molest me, and then to attack, abuse and kill me, (I'm a woman remember), and then to blackmail me for some syringes he had planted in the car I was driving,....which I was driving recklessly trying to elude and evade him and in the process having many smash ups, accidents, & near misses. I finally crashed into a car load of children and infants speeding and weaving down the road countering every defensive move I tried so that we were always due to crash head matter what. I don't remember crashing, but suddenly I am trying to crawl out from under the carnage of the older children and the screaming bodies of infants. That's when I knew I had to kill myself for punishment and woke up digging in my bag.

(I could probably put a psychiatrist's kids through school with this one!)

After I stopped shaking and went out to 'irrigate the garden' I took my morning meds and fell back asleep just long enough to careen and carom my way through another dream where I was driving a commandeered transit bus through the Lower Park Heights ghetto/drug 'hoods, while wearing a mask/helmet somewhere a cross between Iron Man's and King Arthur's knights, being chased by 'zombie crack heads and something else ??? (that part was not too clear) and other buses that were trying to attack me.

I figure this one came from the comments of a drunken crackhead (on top of his substance abuse issues...he's an idiot OTHER drunks, on the bus on the way to the Giant, a homeless guy who I once made the mistake of talking to, who is a real piece of work, who shouted out, "Can anyone drive a bus...let's go to Atlantic City" when the driver got off the bus at a stop to help a girl get her bike off the bike carrier rack on the front of the bus. He then tried to tell me how one of the local Russian junkie kids ripped off his Blackberry, (which kept changing in value from $350.00 to $500.00 to $250.00 and up an down as he repeated the same thing endlessly), while he was sleeping at one of the neighborhood drunk's house. (And ..lucky me!..I know all three players in this tragi-comedy.....LOL).

When I got off the bus he was still talking to me, unaware that I had left.

I woke up from this dream, and fell back asleep into a double romantic/sexual medley, of a fantasy about my dental visit tomorrow with my friend and old love Michelle; and a beautiful and sexy, 29 year old Brazillian nurse named Victoria at Sinai Hospital when I was in there for an emergency Pneumo-thoracotomy in 2005 and was knocking at or actually had one foot through death's door when I was brought in to the ER. For some really strange reason we hit it off and she spent a lot of time with me, on and off shift. She called me Lazarus, after she got a look at all my medical records and heard some of my old stories, and said she liked talking to me even, (and sometimes, when I was showing the effects of the liberal use of the morphine pump and other injections of the assorted 'pain management cocktail' regimen the doctors had me on, that even when I lost all inhibition, I maintained propriety, (which is one of the nicest things ever said to me). I told her I wished she could be able to call me "Victoria's Secret".... and I'll leave the rest to your hyper-active imaginations.. ;-)

Anyway, this mildly twisted dream had us trapped somewhere is a cavern in South America, in the tropics and finding treasure and!

This had as influences, the recent rescue of the first Chilean miners, the National Geographic Channel (109 on Comcast) I watched called the "Lost Crystal Caves", which is awesome, if you can find it watch it... giant crystals of gypsum, up to 36 feet long with cross sections of 10 feet or more, weighing up to 55 tons, 1,000 feet or more underground in temperatures and humidity that can kill a human in 15 minutes! Fascinating! And recent viewings of "Romancing The Stone" and "Raiders Of The Lost Ark"!

Okay, I'm out of here at last, I'm going to try to catch a bus and make a connection to the Coffee shop............

Tomorrow is 'dental day' and getting my TB test read.


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