Sunday, October 3, 2010

"MTA Madness...........&............No Good Deed Goes Unpunished..............."

Good Afternoon;
Yay Fall!!!
The Pikesville library is back open on Sundays!

When I left here yesterday morning I headed over to Monkee's and began the first ride in what became a constant continuation from the night before, (Friday), of the incompetency, ignorance, and idiocy of the MTA. The driver of the #59 bus saw me in the middle of the street waiting for one car to pass by so I could finish crossing and board the bus, (which was 5 minutes ahead of schedule, so lateness was not an issue), I waved at the driver, asked her to wait, (and we were less than 15 feet away and her window was open),...she saw and heard me, and stared right at me, as she pulled out.....into the right of way of the oncoming car, causing it to slam on it's brakes and swerve across the center lines of the road!

There was another bus coming up the opposite way so I took it to the Old Ct. Subway station and I caught the train down to Johns Hopkins and the #13 bus, (one run of which did not show up, and the other one was 30 minutes off schedule), to Monkee's. We talked and I got my meds for the next 3 weeks and she ended up seeing me stilllllll! on the bus stop when she was passing by and gave me a ride to the Johns Hopkins Subway where I caught the train back up to Old Ct. Station, where the 3:44 pm. #53 bus was pulling off 5 minutes early and the driver was consciously ignoring the people running towards it from the train, (but the ignorant waste of oxygen stopped in the middle of the roadway to block traffic and talk with the driver on the incoming #77 bus). The 4:00 pm bus never showed up, but at 4:20 pm. an unscheduled run arrived, that was only going halfway through the route, and as it was pulling out Another! #53 showed up. I got back to the library about 4:35 pm. and was here until 5:10 pm., just before closing time at 5:30 pm. I never went to the Starbucks because I was going over Jenn's house around 5:45 pm. to arrive as they were leaving and be able to shower and do laundry and just hang out. I ended up leaving around 12:20 am. to be able to catch the last #59 bus back up to the shed. Jenn's apt. is within sight of the bus stop and less than 5 minutes away from the Plaza Subway station where the run originates.....You can guess what happened right? The bus never showed, the run was dropped for some unknown reason with no notice, stranding a sh*tload of angry people who got off the last train and who count on the bus...which is the only public transportation, (road), available between Pikesville and Owings Mills. I waited until close to 1:00 am. and then walked up to Reisterstown Rd., (which was in sight of where I waited for the #59, and while I was walking), to catch the 1:00 am. #53...which....yep, right again...NEVER SHOWED!!! I was texting Jenn who had just gotten home and she said come back and sleep on the couch. I wanted to give her and her husband some needed alone time, (the kids were at her mom's), and I also did not want to walk all the way back with my bags, filled with nearly all my laundry, 2 bottles of Powerade and 1 of water, and assorted other weighty things. There was an minor auto accident that had happened right in front of me that was entertaining me also so I said I'd wait until the next, (which was also the last), #53 bus at 2:03 am.
I mean there could not be 3 buses in a row up a major street which did not show...right?
WRONG!!!! I waited until 2:30 am. and tried to text Jenn and Tom back, but got no reply, and I did not want to wake them up, or 'ahem'..."interrupt"! if that was the case, so, I started walking. It is only a 2 mile or so walk which I normally would think nothing of, and the air was cool, almost cold with my shorts and tee shirt on...but, the shape my back is in now combined with the weight and awkwardness of the bags I was carrying made it an hour and twenty minute trek.
I am very sore right now.
I got to sleep about 4:00 am., woke once at 7:00 am. to water the trees, and fell back asleep until I heard car door slamming and voices close by. There was some sort of party about to happen at the hall next door and folks were moving all around. I dozed in and out until 2:00 pm. and then tried to slip out unnoticed.....I am not sure if it worked.
The computer is about shut off..........
See you Tomorrow.

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