Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Sunday Siesta..........(The Loonnnggggg Version).........."

Good Afternoon;
So I've just gotten out of the shed today. I spent the day reading a book and napping because I could. I had nowhere to be and no one to see and it was not uncomfortable temperature-wise in there. I really only got up to get here at 15 minutes to closing time to check my
Last night I ended up with a few pastries and a bag of breakfast sandwiches from the coffee shop. I ate one, saved a few and gave the rest away to a group of folks who needed them. I thought it would be cooler today, so I am glad I did not save all of them, just to have to throw them out. It got hot today, I'm kind of sorry I missed it, but it felt good to not move...and not because of any 'bad' reasons.
I guess I'l head over to the Starbucks now and wash up and shave and eat.

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