Monday, December 14, 2009

"The Best Laid Schemes O' Mice An' Men Gang Aft A-Gley............................."

Good Morning;

It is very sunny and bright today, no wind, and chilly but not uncomfortable...and most importantly.....there is nothing falling from the sky!

The rain yesterday was a pain in the ass! When I left the shed on Saturday I was planning on a dry day so I wore the sneakers, of course when my son-in-law Tom dropped me off at the Starbucks on Sunday afternoon it was raining so hard that we had to wait 10 minutes for it to slow down enough to get out of the car. He pulled up close to the curb because the gutter was like the the Mississippi River..(with a breached levee)! The only problem was that the sidewalk in that particular spot had shifted and sunk about 4 inches, and of course the resulting puddle was camouflaged with a fine film of dust and pine needles so that it looked solid....well you know the rest of the story....LOL. 'One small step for a man, One giant splash for mankind'!

It was a fitting follow up to Saturday evening's shattered plans. If you remember, when I signed off I was on my way to pick up Rachel to go to Jenn's for 'Breakfast For Dinner' with the grand kids. After missing one bus, walking up the Reisterstown Rd. and having the next bus fly by in the fast lane without slowing, much less stopping, having to catch the route that forced us to have to walk across the parking lot and through the mall and then across Home Depot's lot, where we were almost hit..LITERALLY!! a tow truck travelling at at least 50 mph...Across A Parking Lot!, while we were in a marked crosswalk, leaning on the air horn without slowing, on the contrary, the dumb bast*rd was accelerating!...(this is not the first incidence I have witnessed and/or experienced with these shiny all black with neon green lettering tow trucks......I am now going on the offensive, these f*ckers are going down, one way or another.).....scaring Rachel and causing this older woman with a walker to stumble and trip. I caught her before she hit the ground, and some other bystanders helped her and were calling the police so we split, being that we were almost across from Jenn's and that I avoid City cops on!

At this point the phone rings and it is Jenn, saying plans have changed, and "can I watch Edward while she takes Devin to the Emergency Room at Sinai?". Well after the reflexive automatic "Yes, of course!" I asked what had happened. She had slipped and fallen forward and bashed her chin on the edge of the small square parsons table that she had been standing and coloring at. We got there a few minutes later and Devin was actually pretty happy, and the bleeding had stopped, but there was a 3/4 inch long 'divot' in her chin, just deep and wide enough that it ended up needing 3 stitches to close it up and avoid a nasty scar...(like Her friend Shannon took them to the hospital, because Tom was on his way out the door to work, and it was Rachel and Edward and I, the stinky dog and the 2 cats..(who were out of their 'prescription cat food'..(don't even and therefore extremely friendly and attentive to anything that looked edible. Ed told me he wanted a "honey and jelly sandwich" for dinner and Rachel wanted chicken nuggets and McCain 'smiley face fries'...(getting these two to agree on the same choice is sometimes like mediating the Arab-Israeli mishegas...LOL!). So I put Rachel's food in the oven and grab the jelly and the bread and start looking for the 'honey', all the while trying to convince Edward to eat either peanut butter and jelly, or peanut butter and honey, (to get some protein in him). I'm searching the pantry and all the cabinets looking for the 'honey' and having no luck finding it, when Ed goes to the pantry pulls out a jar, sets it on the counter and says, "Here is the 'Honey'!". I turn and look and it is A JAR OF PEANUT BUTTER!!...which, on "PLANET EDWARD!!!!" is known as 'honey'....after the urge to strangle him passed I could not stop laughing, which became contagious, even though the kids had no idea what they were laughing at..(one of the benefits of
Jenn got back around 8:30 pm. and Devin was wide awake and ready to play, none the worse for wear and tear. Rachel's mother picked her up around 9:20 pm. and I sat with Jenn and the kids until we got them to bed...(an hour process minimum with Edward....but, I'm Pop-Pop Dave not Daddy, so duct taping him to the bed is not an option if Jenn is the A-I-C..[Adult In Control]...LOL!). After we finally got them settled in and watching their video, Jenn and I sat and talked and watched TV as she wrapped Xmas presents. I was going to get one of 2 buses (11:30 pm./12:30 am.) back up to Pikesville, but Jenn said she or Tom would run me up when he got back from his DJ job. He was asked to work later...(the party must have been rockin', and finally got home after 2:00 am. I was putting my shoes on and getting ready to leave when he came out of the bedroom from talking to Jenn and told me to just spend the night on the couch.
Now this may sound like a little thing to you, but this is an extremely big event in my re-connection and re-development of relations with my daughter and her family I was and am still very moved and grateful, not so much for the offer but for what it pertains to.
When we all finally got up, (I was up and down until I switched to the recliner, and of course shortly after I get settled Edward gets up to go and pee and on his way back to bed does a double take and has to check me out. After which I assured him 'Yes it is ME!' and he went back to sleep. Around 10:00 am. he gets up and comes over and says, (take a deep breath).."it's morning get up what are you doing here can I have some paper to color on and can we watch a DVD I have church today where is Rachel"...(inhale)...LOL! Jenn ended up cooking pancakes and bacon and sausage for everyone, (I had already made a pot of coffee and had downed half of it), and because it was so dark and gray and nasty wet outside, all that sugar, starch, fat and cholesterol were actually a 'good thing' for the mental health and emotional well being.........(lol).
After everything 'settled' Tom dropped me off at Starbucks in Mt. Washington, and I hung out there until 6:30 pm. or so, when I took the train and the bus to Monkee's. The rain had stopped and my shoe was dried out pretty much. It was still early when I left there so I ended up riding the Metrotrain up and down from Johns Hopkins to Owings Mills and back 4 times reading my latest novel.."The Chase' by 'Clive Cussler, and book of poems by Charles Bukowski, published posthumously recently. I hit the gas station about 10:30 pm. and watched a little football and played my $2.00 on Keno for a dozen or so games..(and ended up breaking even).. then went in to the shed. I had to rearrange and relayer my cardboard mattress due to some new leakage..(there was an extreme amount of rain in a very short time, which tends to cause some new places to leak, some only for that storm, and occasionally a new permanent leak).
>>>Procrastination Alert<<<
I have to get to JAI Medical and find out about my status, my right foot and leg were 'strange' again, kind of numb/cold/tingly, and it was not THAT cold last night, and I was wrapped reasonably well.
So it is time for coffee and food now. I am going to Mt. Washington and I guess I'll see Jenn there tonight also before her meeting, and get a ride after.
See you later.........Dave

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