Monday, December 28, 2009

"Home On The (st)Range........Or.........Be It Ever So Crumble(d)........."

Good morning;

So...back in the shed again last night, [and if there is any question whether or not I am totally effin' nuts, the fact that it was a kind of relief to be back in there has got to answer it in the affirmative!]
Except for the fact that it has no heat, no electricity, leaks like a sieve..(or a top secret Congressional investigation), no plumbing or facilities, all season flow-through ventilation..(whether desired or not), and I'm basically trespassing and trying to slip in and out does have it's charms.......LOL!
As great as it was/is to stay at Jenn's, there is still an underlying tension, even when they are not there,....
(and even with my head 18 inches from the parking lot and 6 feet from the street, the shed is STILL quieter than Jenn's apt., between the upstairs neighbor's 'Surround Sound' system when he is watching a movie..[with the ultra low bass kicker on]while playing with the dogs, who need their claws trimmed, on uncarpeted wood floors,...and the next door neighbor's kids Rasta-thug-gansta-Reggae at full volume and full bass and accordingly FULL DISTORTION!!!,..........{that is one thing I cannot and will never understand....why push a device beyond the speaker capacity just for volume, if it all turns to static..WHAT'S THE F*CKING POINT!!!...ride the bus or more so the subway and the light rail, or just walk the streets, and every wanna be moron with a cell phone that plays music sounds like they are walking around shaking a tin can full of gravel,with a 1960's era and quality transistor radio inside of it, playing a continuous loop of someone gargling!!!}..........(oops, Another things off the wall, as soon as their parents leave the house.),....
It is not MY place, and no matter how comfortable I can make myself, it never will be.
As crappy as the shed is...and don't get me wrong, I've seen and LIVED in much is still in essence...mine. Weird, huh, how important a little, even a very little bit of independence and freedom can be.
Gotta go.........Dave

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