Sunday, December 6, 2009

"....'A Boot To The Head!'......OR....(SLAP)...'I Coulda Had A Size 8'........"

Good Afternoon;
I was so depressed last night...
thinking about the economy, health care, government
health insurance, the wars, global warming, my savings, Social Security, credit card debt.....
I called the Suicide Hotline.
I got a freaking call center in Pakistan.
I told them I was suicidal. They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck!....
Yeah, so it's not 'PC''s funny....ROTFLMAO!
I got this in a forward from Alfredo, remember the gentleman from New Jersey who lost his phone in Baltimore's Inner Harbor this past spring, and I FedExed it back to him...Thanks amigo, I needed the laugh!!
So, I have a pair of boots on now, (actually size 10 & 1/, they are the ones I stopped wearing at the start of the warm weather because they made my feet sweat. They were in better shape than I remembered, only beginning to show cracks in the creases of the uppers, and moderately worn on the outside of the heels, so I tend to roll when I walk, like a half drunk sailor who has just made landfall.
They should keep my feet fairly dry. They have to be better than the sneakers with the mesh over the front portion.....and I could have been wearing them yesterday....duhhh!!
I stayed in the sleeping bag until 12:45 pm. this afternoon. It was warm and toasty, and I had nowhere I had to be, and it's a pain to get anywhere I can sit,...I am somewhat depressed for real and have no motivation or ambition and don't want to move and get more depressed and want to move even a downward spiral...and then I have to pee and I HAVE to get up...., and ..."Ohh Baby, It's Cold Outside...".
I repeat..I miss the Pikesville Starbucks!!!
I am headed to the Starbucks for coffee now, the machine in the Giant was broken and I need my caffeine fix. I am still living on turkey sandwiches, because all of you had enough on Thanksgiving and are not buying them so they are being marked out and forwarded to I cannot wait until tomorrow, if I get my FoodStamps, I'm gonna get some bloody BEEF!!!
Gotta go........later..........Dave

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