Friday, August 6, 2010

"Hooray For The Paperless Society......................NOT!!....."

Good Afternoon;

Well, this is typical of my luck with government forms and applications....

I was trying to fill out the S.S.I. reconsideration appeal online and the damn computer "burped" and threw me offline as I was preparing to print out the cover letter and form I need to bring to the S.S.A. office....And It Sent The Application Off Without Any Action On My Part!!! Now the system will not let me access the appeal to print the needed forms, saying once it has been filed it cannot be opened again....greeaattttt!

Now I'll go down there without the piece of paper some bureaucrat needs and the whole system will grind to a halt...if they can retrieve my paperwork at all......

Screw it...I'll deal with it Monday...maybe.



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