Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Sont Les Mots Qui Vont Tres Bien Ensemble......Tres Bien Ensemble......"

Good Morning;
Yesterday was a "Michelle Day", I was with my caseworker from Prologue in the morning: I chatted with my dear friend, fellow poet, and Funks alumni in the afternoon; and I serendipitiously ran into my friend, artist and art professor, and coffee buddy in the Starbucks in the evening....
After leaving the library yesterday I went to Starbucks and read, chatted with Michelle, and Dave, and sat out back in the dark after they closed just thinking and watching the night. I went to the library and tried to finish reading the book I had and then put it in the night return so I would not have to carry it around, but I kept falling asleep and dropping the book, and I only had 10 pages left! I went to the gas station and then the shed, which was not too bad when I lay down. I woke up around 3:00 am to the sound of rain, and again at 8:00 am feeling hot and sweaty and dirty and miserable. This summer's choices of heat, humidity, or a combination of both, on a long term basis, is for some reason making the shed worse than last summer.
I changed all my clothing and had to put my sleeping clothes in the dirty laundry bag after only one wearing, this summer is also costing me 3 times as much in laundry money, at Jenn's or the "all night freak show 24 hour laundromat" in Owings Mills. $4.00 or $5.00, (depending on location) a load adds up quickly.
I was too hot and uncomfortable to eat this morning, (which is a good thing in a way, I need to miss a few meals, and I want to save what cash I have left for the time I am going to spend with Rachel next week...and I don't get my Foodstamps until Saturday), so I just got some coffee to try to kick start my system.... it's not working though....just making me go to the bathroom
I'll be back later............Dave

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