Saturday, April 23, 2011

"A Hunk, A Hunk Of Burning Lung......................."

Good Afternoon;
Just a thought, it can be bad enough to be homeless when the weather is decent, but imagine living in St. Louis yesterday, or North Carolina last Saturday. Even though no one living on the street was reported killed, I saw an interview with one woman who lost almost all her possessions because there was no room in the storm cellar she made it into for more than a single duffel bag. In an urban environment I would guess that there are many more places that are accessible, but if people were living in an encampment or a rural area they may not know to seek shelter until too late, and may never be missed for a long time.

So I got back here to the shed last night about 10:15 pm. between storm fronts and fell asleep during the 11:00 news. I woke up a couple hours later with the lantern and TV on and the rain pounding down again. The rest of the night I kept waking up every 45 minutes or so, either too hot or too cold, and in the middle of some extremely bizarre but realistic seeming dreams. It was raining heavily on and off all morning so I just went back to sleep if it was raining each time I woke back up. I had a freaky experience when I got to to attend to some pressing bladder issues about Noon. I was standing near the the door at the far end of the shed refilling an empty Powerade Zero bottle with 'reprocessed product' when I heard a 'skritch skritch ' noise outside on the door...and all of a sudden sunlight pours in through the round hole where the door knob mechanism used to be, which I keep plugged with a fist sized hunk of the fiberglass insulation fallen from the wall. I bent down and peered through the hole......and watched either a crow or a raven slowly fly to the roof of the building opposite, with the hunk of insulation hanging from it's beak!! I ripped of another hunk and replaced it in the hole, making sure it was situated flusher to the door on the outside this time.

Not particularly in the mood to go any where today, I went back and lay down and read/slept/netsurfed until 3:00 pm. I got up and went over to the Giant to use the bathroom, wash up and make coffee, and get some bread and chips with my last couple bucks. I stopped by the library and walked around for a bit just enjoying the sun and the warm wind then headed back to the shade and made my PB&J breakfast/lunch/dinner meal and watched part of the middle and the end of a movie with Charlie Sheen back in 1996 before he had 'Tiger Blood'!......called "The Arrival", (all I have ever been able to catch has been the ending for some odd reason of timing.)

I have had a slight headache and chest congestion all day, but I just coughed up what felt like a couple-three chunks of lung tissue and feel somewhat
I made the coffee triple strength and the water was extra hot today, so I guess that helped burn and dissolve the crud in my lungs some

I'm going to sign off and charge up the battery on the laptop for a while, the screen brightness is aggravating my headache and I also want to run to the restroom at the Giant before this next batch of thunderstorms I see approaching on the weather radar gets here.


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