Good Afternoon;
I'm at Jenn's watching Ed and Devin, and Rachel is here too! She is driving out to Chicago with her mother and her mother's boyfriend and her sister tomorrow for a week so her mom dropped her off here this morning for a while so I could get to see her. I had planned to do something with her over the holiday weekend because as I said before, it is the one holiday when I have money. Such is the story of my life....'I plan, God laughs!'! I ended up leaving here with Jenn when she left to go to her homegroup. I was going to hang out at Starbucks for a while and then catch a ride back to Pikesville when she was finished. On the way there she suggested I spend the night, instead of tonight, since the weather was another record breaker and the heat and humidity is SUPPOSED to break today, as my payback for monstersitting this afternoon while she has more coloring done on her tattoo. I had not been considering spending the night in either case, (usually I only do if it a nighttime session), so I jumped at the chance.
I am here on their laptop, and to tell the truth, I have found that I really prefer a desktop setup.......not that I would have any complaints if someone felt the urge to donate a laptop or lapbook to me of course!!!!, it is just that there is a dearth of clean, uncluttered flat surfaces at Jenn's and I am uncomfortable sitting crosslegged on thr bed or trying to balance it on my knees....I have a little bit too much 'padding' to flex and bend as I used to be able to
Well, it's official I finally made the bigtime! I got 'spam' addressed as a comment to the previous post!
The keyword was 'bad breath'! (Okay, it's two words...picky,
It was a nice homey letter telling of one man's multi-year battle against the horrors of mouth odor, and his trials and tribulations and ultimate victory when he went to a site,..which I am not going to list, as so to avoid being bombarded by other crap,.. that finally freed him from the shackles of halitosis......Uh Huh, sure it was......!
I did not open it because of virus fears for the laptop. If I have not deleted it totally I may look at it in the library tomorrow..(they have heavy duty 'blocker-killer' and warning programs and firewalls as protection.....'industrial grade Listerine' you might call it......LMAO!!!!)
Next thing you know, I might even have been chosen as winner in the Irish Sweepstakes, or even be selected to help some honest but persecuted by his government African transfer his secret fortune to an American bank, and be rewarded with half of the money in gratitude, if I only tell him all my ID numbers, and passwords, and bank codes.....gee, sounds on the up and up to me.............................ya think?...........ROTFLMAO!
Okay, I'm out of here for now, I have to wait for Time
Magazine to call, I just might be in the running for the annual;
[homeless] MAN OF THE YEAR issue!
either that or the Dr. Hook And The Medicine Show's, "Cover Of The Rolling Stone Award".................It's amazing how I retain my humility and modesty as I go out and walk among all the 'little people',no, don't applaud...just throw money!
Ow, Ow, Ow,....okay,okay,just quit beating me around the head with that sack full of pennies.................................LOL!
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