Monday, January 17, 2011

"Cheap Thrills......Cold Chills.........Cracks, Crevasses, & Childhood Ills.............."

Good Afternoon;
Well the library is closed for MLK Day and I can still get online.....!!!!!
Thanks Erik.
I'm at the Starbucks in Mt. Washington, and I've been here for a few hours trying to warm up. For some reason I became extremely cold last night and could not get warm, no matter what I tried, two pair of socks, closing the hood of the sleeping bag tight as possible to keep as much body heat in as possible, double wrapping my feet...etc. Which is really strange because it was not THAT cold out, or in the shed which can hold the cold. I think that Devin's gift of bacterial or viral joy is getting in sync with my already overworked immune system for a flanking attack, I can feel the scouting parties testing the defences with stealth sorties and robot bio-probes. (Does it show that I have been reading a whole lot of military SF!)
I'm about to eat breakfast, the Healthy Choice ham and turkey deli combo, (in the same tub, in separate plastic packages, how cool s, that I bought yesterday at the Giant and have no worries for the freshness of since they have been stored in the 'Blast Chiller'.......aka....the, all night.
Jenn and Tom are both going to Jenn's HG to celebrate a friend's anniversary tonight so I am heading over to their apt. later his afternoon and getting a second exposure to Devinitis Snotitosis,....oooops, I mean babysittng the grandkids tonight, and spending the night inside. Tom is going to drop me off at Prologue's Homeless Outreach center in Towson, (one of those old single family homes across from The Immaculate Conception Catholic church that the church now owns and rents or leases out for nominal fees to various non-profit groups and organizations for meetings, offices, etc., i.e. ; Girl Scouts, NA,, and Shelly and I are going to Walmart to try to get me some boots. Of course the weather forecast is for a typical Baltimore sloppy mess of freezing rain, sleet, & snow in varying order and intensity, so I'll not be holding my breath on going. We'll see in the morning.
Anyway...I'm going to eat now, and then go look at the bottom of my left foot at what feels like a Grand Canyon size crack in the skin of my sole, most likely from the cold and the extreme dryness my skin develops in winter....and have I mentioned lately....Cold Weather Sucks?

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