Friday, January 28, 2011

"Slush Puppies.........Or........................... Let Sleeping Dogs....................."

Good Evening;
Well.....I'm sitting here watching 'Modern Marvels', .....(strike that....'The ODESSA File".......which I just started re-reading the other day.....Hmmmmmm?....), playing on the computer, and reading bits of "Grandmothers Whisper"......while occasionally telling Ed to be quiet and watch his DVD or shut up and go to sleep. Yup, another night at Jenn's. I went out this morning and took the Metro subway downtown to the First Mariner Arena to get opening night tickets, (2 for 1, two middle concourse seats for $25.00 first night only), to Disney On Ice-Princess Wishes for Rachel and I on Feb. 9th. Along with the Circus and the Md. State Fair it has become a continuing tradition that began with Jenn and has moved on to Rachel. A bit of continuity and connection between father and daughter & sister and sister that always seems to transcend any and all other issues, at least for those few hours. When I got back to Jenn's and was preparing to pack up she asked if I minded watching the kids this evening while she and Tom had a 'Dinner and a Movie' date....with the usual compensation. After trudging through the slop and the slush was a no
Pop-pop was tired and had had enough crap and needed some peace, so the kids went to bed at 8:oo pm. with permission to watch 2 DVDs, Devin was out 15 minutes into 'Dr. Suess's Horton Hears A Who', and I don't think Edward will last much more than 30 minutes into his second choice, 'Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone'.......if I'm lucky
.I'm only able to read a bit of my friend Inette Miller's book at a time, so as to be able to savor and contemplate her words and ponder their multi-level and many faceted depths. A fascinating and powerful journey in which I can find many points of connection and understanding.....going both ways.

I went to sleep about 1:30 am. last night and woke up at 4:00 am., put on my boots...(no pants mind you....just went into the bathroom, I remember thinking, "Oh no, I am so late!" I woke up on the can about 40 minutes later and went back to lay down on the couch, mystified at why I was in the! I could not get back to sleep until after 8:00 am., just in time to be woken up by Tom banging out the door.

I'm tired and I'll be back later....


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