Good Afternoon;
Well......What can I say about that game yesterday? I was physically and emotionally exhausted by the time it ended, not to mention pissed off, confused and wondering how no one else but Anna Marie and I noticed that aliens had kidnapped the Ravens at Halftime and substituted pod grown look-a-like life forms for all our players!
My gut was sore from all the tension and my voice was hoarse from all the shouting at the TV set at Jenn's, (we watched the game different rooms...(for safety reasons.....LOL!), and my fingers were tired from all the texting back and forth to Anna Marie.
A heartbreaker....a real heartbreaker.
The sore gut must have been weakened to the extent that some of my grand daughter Devin's cold/flu germs decided to emulate the Beverly Hillbillies and load up their old viral trucks and move in with me, bringing along the whole menagerie of intestinal flora and fauna, lock stock, and barrel. And of course the first stage of this particular strain of viral visitation is the "Poopapalooza Festival", complete with hot and cold running diarrhea, chills and thrills, stomach wrenching cramps, and shakes, shivers, & quivers galore! It was a real fun night....NOT!!!!...with many, many, many sudden and urgent trips to the gas station with just barely enough notice to get a pair of shoes on that after the third 'near miss', I just left them on until the situation slowed down around 8:00 am....(and the hell with trying to put a coat on, I was hoping the cold would put a 'freeze' on things for a minute!.....LOL!).
After the umpteenth trip, when I had to drink 2 quarts of water for emergency re-hydration purposes, I took my dose of 'bupe' a few hours early, for the reason that it slows or stops the motility as a side effect. (Not a good reason to take it on it's own, [although, way back in 1980 when I picked up a case of very serious Salmonella, the doctor did give me Paregoric to stop the uncontrollable muscular stomach and intestinal contractions], and sometimes if the person's system is 'normal', it works a bit too far in the opposite direction, but for me and my screwed up and 'surgically shortened' intestinal system that happened to be another unexpected 'off prescription' benefit and blessing of the drug.) But it worked, even though I'm not about to bet a pair of clean shorts that the next 'bubble' is only going to be!
Anyway, enough with the juvenile humor, I hope that I don't get the same reactions in Stage 2 that Edward and Devin had, the dreaded Technicolor Yawns of....'PukeStock'!!
Okay, it's time to take a break for a few minutes, Erik just called and we are meeting here and going to see if the laptop he has for me works better this time. He has been testing it at home, and now for 'field trials'.
Back shortly...........maybe 'mobile'!
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