Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Home On The STRANGE..."

So.. God has a sense of humor...just keep watching my horoscopes!!!
PISCES: 3/24/09
There's no place like home. Maintaining the roof over head should be top priority.
"Check your downspouts or rearrange the furniture,"
While you enjoy an exacting eye for detail and beauty.
Cute..real cute!.....LOL
Well, I took a rake and scraped 3 bags of assorted YECCHH and rotting insulation out, and unfolded a bunch of Starbucks boxes and stacked some for a mattress, and laid out others end to end along the length of the shed as a 'corrugated carpet'. As for downspouts, there is one fairly steady leak when it rains, so I have a piece of metal shelving wedged at an angle between the roof and a wall, in a 'Rube Goldberg'/'MouseTrap' setup, funneling the runoff down between a sheet of cardboard and a gap in the wall....so much for detail...beauty...HAH!
back later......I think...........Dave

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