Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Position Available...Apply Within........"

Yeah, It's me again, I really have to get my own laptop and WiFi hookup, or find a 24/7 library somewhere....
So again with the horoscopes...not that I REALLY believe in astrology...but.....sometimes the messages are to timely to ignore..
PISCES: 03/21/09: Saturday
Meet with a Mentor who has MENSA qualifications. Hook up with someone who is not only intelligent but who has a passion to succeed and a little of that devotion to succeed may rub off on you.
Now for the longest time I have been looking for a Mentor, all my life I have wanted to have a Sensei, an "Angel", a "Rabbi", a "Mother Hen",a sage, a "Den Mother", a "Stage Mother", a "Godfather", an adviser, a "Guru", a "guardiem ad litem", a "Guiding Light", a "GuildMaster", an "elder Statesman", or any of the other terms or euphemisms used in politics, academia, medicine, Broadway, Hollywood, or the military. To "sit at the feet of the Master" as it know..."Wax on....Wax off...", to be a Renaissance Man version of the 'Karate Kid',(or for the more violent of you...Jean Claude VanDam in 'Bloodsport"); soaking up knowledge and ability without realizing it, learning by doing, until I became the heir apparent by default, through the unseen hand of an intellectual 'personal trainer'....and of course attaining a fit and flexible body in the process of doing all the repititious 'zen' exercises to teach me patience and control.........LOL. Okay i went a little silly there but really, i have always wished for a "teacher" in the classic sense. To be an apprentice, like in all the novels of wizardry, and in ancient Chinese and Japanese martial arts tales of warrior monks, hell even like to be the begging boy Kipling's ..."KIM" (to bad he was such an Anti-Semite)..(Kipling..not Kim), {you know now that I realize it...Robert A. Heinlein's "Citizen of the Galaxy" copies a good deal of that plot}...[and Jim DiGriz in Harry Harrison's "Stainless Steel Rat" series starts out looking for a mentor, although 'The Bishop' is a criminal mastermind......(hmmmm now there is an idea....LOL).......but teaches himself].
Okay...Okay..enough goofiness right..!
BUT SERIOUSLY...fill out an application, I'll get back to you...

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