Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Like A Circle In A Circle......As The Images Unwind.......In The....Windmills Of My Mind

Greetings and Hallucinations;
Live Long And Prosper;
May The Force Be With You;
Top O' The Morning To You;
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May God hold you in the palm of your hand, &
May you be in heaven..............,
An hour before the devil knows your dead!
What the hell............ I'm half IRISH! , of course I'm also half Jewish, half Polish, half Vulcan, half baked, half sour, half and half, and obviously..half assed!
Assorted thoughts, comments, reflections, ideas, referrals, links and ?

First, a few posts back..March, 11th....I spoke out about assisted suicide choices for the terminally ill. Sunday, during the course of my day of intellectual intercourse and debate, I spent a good long time with my friend Karen, who came in to study for her 'Nurse Practitioner Certification'. We had two particularly involved discussions, one revolving around the medical, legal, and practical issues surrounding "Buprenorphine" as a treatment tool for opiate/opioid addiction, and I was able to give her a 'street level' analyses, based on personal and anecdotal evidence, and referred her to the NAABT (National Association for the Advancement of Buprenorphine Treatment) website.. http://www.feelnormal.org/ ..{and take it from me it is very aptly named, for the first time in 30years..I DO!!!}. We also got into an enlightening discussion on the issue of suicide/assisted suicide for the terminally ill and/or incapacitated, her relevant experience comes from being an Oncology Nurse, and mine, you can refresh yourself on at the above referenced post. In today's Baltimore Sun's Letters section (next to last page of main section) there are 2 letters that express the same thoughts and beliefs in more eloquent fashion, "Is it compassionate to prohibit suicide?-- Jacob M. Appel bioethics teacher at NYU" and "Autonomy is key to value of life--Carleton W. Brown / of Perryville Md."
(may be accessed on line at.. http://www.baltsun.com/ ....) click on LETTERS

Second, also in the Sun, in the You Section on the comics page, at the bottom of the page on the left side..." F MINUS by Tony Carrillo",
'Hey that's me!!!'.......LOL
online at.... http://www.fminus.com/ ....

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who Wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."
are doing something I wish that I had the guts to do, maybe someday I too can go beyond the literal meaning of HOMELESS and, by appearing to be ROOTLESS, actually be rooted in past/present/future, everywhere and nowhere, citizen of the galaxy and an indigenous member of the ethnic group known as humanity. I read their web pages and feel filled with connections to peoples of all types and beliefs, finding more similarities than differences.
I am moved to go on a global 'walkabout', bubbling over with 'wanderjahr'.
The urge to follow in the footsteps and the sea routes is becoming desire.
Visit them at..http://www.returnvoyage.com/..pick me up if you decide to go.

Fourth, just want to do a good turn to someone who has helped me spiritually, by his friendship and acceptance..My friend Richard..check out this web site,
even if you are not in a position yourself, to use his services, you may know some one who is, besides, it is a beautiful artistic experience in it's own right.

Fifth, I came back into the Starbucks yesterday afternoon and found my friend
Neil Rubin, Editor of "The Baltimore Jewish Times",..
(online at.. http://www.jewishtimes.com/ .. see his blog)
sitting, typing away on his thesis/dissertation for his P.H.D.,
(Neil is that like chopped liver on matzoh...Piled Higher and Deeper?)...LOL.
And, who comes in but my friend Lynn, now surprisingly enough, even though they are both regulars at the coffee shop, AND, more importantly, (to me), two of my most ardent boosters and supporters, helping me to cope with un-judging, unequivocal, unconditional friendship,they have never met. Lynn is a teacher at Towson Catholic High School..(history..I think?), and, I jsut found out, a fan of my favorite author, the late Robert A. Heinlein..(R.I.P.), I had been reading a library book by him, titled, "JOB: A Comedy of Justice", which was on the table, and opened up a lively discussion and 'fan fest', as a "coincidence"...(yeah ..riiiiiight), we both came to Heinlein by the same route, the novel, "The Door Into Summer", and we picked it up for the same reasons
30 years ago..it had a cat on the cover....LOL.
Anyhow, Lynn, Neil, and I were having a lovely time chatting about everything from coffee to religion to me (they were embarrassing the hell out of me with their comments regarding my talents and all-around 'good guy' qualities)..... Jeez guys.............thanks, now I gotta live up to your expectations...."It's A PLOT!!"..........But seriously, Lynn was talking about her students and their short attention spans when it came to a mandatory religious assembly/prayer session,(?), of some sort. I brought up the movie, "When Do We Eat" written and directed by Salvador Litvak, and she burst out in excitement, exclaiming how much she loved the movie, and we both pressed Neil to rent it here at the library before Passover.
See a clip here!!!
If some of you may remember, I raved about this movie on Jan. 03rd, 06th, and (I think) 13th and/or 14th., It is both a hoot and moving all at once.
Sixth: I had an idea to possibly make a few bucks, bring some more attention to the homeless situation here in Baltimore, raise some support for the arts, and avoid/evade being hassled for panhandling...I figure to run off a couple dozen copies of some of my poetry, make up a new sign, illuminating and illustrating the above concepts, and announcing that the poems are free for the asking, and a suggested donation of $1.00, would be nice but not mandatory. If I walked around Fells Point, or the MICA complexes, etc., hmmm...'one never knows....do one'...it could be fun to get out and meet some folks..do a little "HOBO NETWORKING"....
All right I'm done for now..thanks again for reading...I really would like to hear your thoughts and ideas, if anyone is so inclined.........bye, ...Dave

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