Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"It's A Small World After All......."

Hello again;
And ....WOW!
Just for sh*t's and giggles and to accumulate some new people, ideas, and perspectives in my life, ...and not really expecting too much; but ever the optimist, I placed some personals on CraigsList, and re-posted my 3 "barter housing for work..." ads. I also put in the URL for this blog to kinda let prospective responders a little bit about 'who I am and what I'm about' as it were. I never expected such a response, nearly 50 people looked at this blog in a day and a half, DAMN!! All up and down the East Coast, (DE.,PA.,NY.,D.C.,VA.,N.C.,MD.( the majority of course)),Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, Los Angeles, Ireland, Israel. Even had a hit from N.A.S.A...(wonder if it was a relay from the International Space Station?...LOL).
To "Anomymous" who commented, Thanks and God Bless, as I have said before, it's not All about money, your caring thoughts and compassion help feed the soul.
This is a reciprocation for the kindnesses shown me by a man who grew up right down the street from me , but whom I never met until recently at the Starbucks. We have many things in common and a similar history upon which is being born a new friendship. He is an AMAZING professional photographer, who, just because I wrote him an e-mail praising his artistry, presentation, and professionalism, after viewing his website, has offered to donate his time, experience, and effort and to give me a photo shoot as a birthday present for my daughter...again...DAMN!!
SO I am urging everyone who reads this to at least go to this site
and check it out, maybe you have a wedding, bar mitzvah, confirmation, birthday, family reunion/portrait to celebrate? If not...pass it on.
This is one way we can all help one another in these tough times, give what you can when you can. It is not always directly about money or 'materiel', sometimes a good word IS a good deed......Reagonomics had it WRONG!! it is really a "trickle UP theory", and there is a spiritual 'dividend' with a pretty high 'rate of return', gained by helping one another in our own small ways. I am not talking "Faith Based" or Religious anything, just basic humanity.
For example, in my officially un-official position as the Starbucks Greeter and Information Distribution Officer(aka..know it all..LOL), I performed my duties today by informing a woman trying to access the 'net on the free WI-FI that it was and had been out of order, I then showed her that if she moved to the opposite end of the building she could access the 'net on the "Cafe" (name redacted) across the parking lot, their WI-FI covered a corner of 'our' building by chance. She was so delighted that she could get the work done that she needed without having to pack up and move, she was effusive to the Nth degree in her thanks, as I passed by on my way out of the building to the food store, I tossed of a humorous "Don't Applaud..Just Throw Money", and kept walking. When I returned, one of the barristas, handed me $3.00 and said some one left it for me, when we figured out who it was...yup, the Wi-Fi lady, and I had made no mention of being homeless, etc., and had just shaved and washed up so I was looking particulary clean and that point....Anyway the point I am probably beating to death here is: RAKs* payoff in many ways, simple civility is not only's a way to have fun and meet people, and 'courtesy costs nothing'.
(*Random Acts of Kindness)
Back to the CL posts....I got a lot of "Russian" women...HA!..wanting to come and be mine, if only I'll help them with their "airfare" I went back and edited the posts with a disclaimer in the beginning with the word "HOMELESS" in Caps and Quotes...reduced the spam by about 60%.
ALRIGHT...RANT TIME, there was an OP/ED piece in yesterdays Baltimore Sun by a Paul Malley of , against assisted suicide, I'm sorry but F*CK THAT, a terminal person should have the RIGHT to decide to avoid the suffering and misery, or the total loss of control of mind and body, or the state of disconnect and disorientation that comes with heavy narcotics and sedation. Having compassionate caregivers is one thing, but only the individual can decide enough is enough. I am not talking about the issues of the family having to make a decision, but only of the right of the dying to have a dignified exit. My father died in a hospice of Pancreatic cancer, his last 2 months were horrorific, He was no longer conscious or aware of anything around him for more than a few minutes a day. I was on the same narcotics by choice, trying to achieve that state, to numb myself to the hell He was going through because I was not strong or brave enough to deal with it, or to help him escape it..HE had NO CHOICE. I am on the short list for an early exit interview with God myself, and if/when push comes to shove and I am faced with the option of having my body literally detiorate and dissolve while I lay there unable to wipe my own ass, and either doped to the point of hallucination, or in pain and unable to communicate the fact..( yes, He was both, and I did nothing), OR making my Peace with God, being able to elucidate and ennunciate my final farewells to family and friends, and quietly (comparatively) slip away..WITH DIGNITY..........NO CONTEST!!........
Look folks I am talking about the point of medical inevitability here,
Oh, I plan to do a 'Dylan Thomas'...
"Do not go quiet into that Good Night,
Rage, Rage against the dying of the Light...."
But at some point (IF!! it comes to that...I sure as HELL hope this stays in the realm of the theoretical.), I would hope to be able to have the choice to say, like 'Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce'...."I will fight no more ...forever..."
(Yeah I know...smartass!...but I ain't dead yet, and I like to show off)
I think I'm done for the night, it looks like rain tonight, but at least it is warm. I may be helping out my friend Angela, for a few days next week, in exchange for a couple nights bed and bath, (Everybody say "HI Angela...Get Well Soon"), I was on the computer earlier and the ex saw me here in the library, and told me Rachel was on the kids computer, so I shut down for a while and played with her. I never did make it out to the corner to get some cash these last few days, just got busy here or into som heavy conversations, and one day I could not, put down this book I am reading "Crossover" by Joel Shepherd, ....SF...androids.....artificial intelligences....interstellar war......Very Cool Stuff.
Still awaiting test results..............(the official ones anyway....HA!)
Oh, almost forgot, I titled one of the personal ads with the latin phrase;
qui audet adipiscitur
just to see what kind of a response, and if anyone would translate it, I referenced it my other post titled,
I've got nothing to lose but the time it took to post this
I got an e-mail with the translation in the subject box, pretty cool, i may have a new e-friend to correspond with...
One Never Knows..Do One?
I'll be back tomorrow, g'night all, pleasant dreams;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post Dave! You sound very good. That makes me very happy. My friend from Ireland looks at your blog every now and then, too. He's the one I introduced you too a few weeks ago when he was visiting.