Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"On Those Days When You Feel...'Missable, Right!,...When You Can't Find Your Little Green Pill That Gets You 'High On Life'..Then Try Some 'Fukitol'."

Good Afternoon:
This is great! A true 'Wonder Drug' or 'Silver Bullet'!
Click on the link below:
The menu bar is real and the Stages and Symptoms and the 'Testimonials' are hilarious! some one went to a lot of work on this site.
The best part is all the ads and links for real products and websites,
but the topper is the link to the Scientology website.....LOL!
P.S. The 'Missable...right!' is from an old comedy satire of the same name by either George Carlin, Robin Williams, or Cheech and Chong...(Now you know where I get it from.....LOL!)...that I cannot remember....(CRS exacerbated by a lot of...'you know' use in my youth....LOL)....who did it.

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