Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Low Key,...........Low Energy,.................Low Intensity,............."

Good Evening;
So.....Rain, mist, more rain.
Up and out at 10:00 am. to the Giant, coffee,
putzing around the store for an hour or so, talking to employees
& trying to figure out what I wanted to eat.
Bus, bus, a stroll through the mist to the coffee shop.
Wash up, shave, change shorts/shirt/socks;
More coffee, food, newspapers, internet, book;
shuffle, repeat;
shuffle repeat;
interspersed with conversations and unintentional speed naps.
Search online sites for boots.....find where sold in area to fit and try on first.
Walk in the rain to bus stop,
bus, 30 minute wait at Metro..(expected and planned), bus.
Giant, gas station, shed;
Read, reflect, sleep.


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