Friday, April 24, 2009

"Living And Dying In Three Quarter Time........."

Have you ever sat and listened to a song, and had to stop and listen to it again, and then just kept replaying it, and just were swept away by the lyrics, into the song. A song that captures how you feel inside, for good or bad, that expresses the essence of emotions that you don't want to, but have to admit?
Artist: Jimmy Buffett
Album: Barometer Soup
Track: Remittance Man
Another of his songs that hits home, but has more pop familiarity.
A Pirate Looks At Forty
(The version on "You Had To Be There")
Get past the 'Parrot Head' hype, and listen to some of the unplayed tracks on the older albums, the man is a poet and chronicler of the dreamer, the roamer, and the overlooked.
He is also a savvy entertainer and businessman, no doubt about it, but the lesser known stuff is really better in terms of content and meaning.
Okay, so I've developed a case of the 'melancholies' again...but, what the hell it's my blog, and nobody is paying me to write for them, so subject is my perogative!!.............LOL
see ya.........Dave

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