Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Fame But No Fortune................"

Good Morning!:
I am here at the Pikesville Library being filmed by the crew from FOX45 for ANOTHER! story on "The Blog and I"
Kathleen Cairns and Dave ??? the videographer are going to follow me around for a while and get some shots of my day, and we'll most likely sit and talk about my backstory and the motivations for writing the blog.

Perhaps this will reach out and touch someone who is able to offer me shelter...NOT 'A Shelter'!!, and maybe some sort of Gainful, meaningful employment. I would say 'screw it to the S.S.I. claims in a heart beat if I could find something that was not minimum wage scutwork.

Last night I slept weird again for the first part of the night, having to rush to the gas station about 1:00 am. Then I slept like a rock until the alarm on the phone woke me at 8:00 am. and I hit the snooze until 9:15 am....I did NOT want to get up, and I'm out of coffee and cash. I did not have time to do more than wash up in the Giant before I came over here to meet them, so my eyes feel like they are packed with sand.

I went to the coffee shop in Mt. Washington yesterday afternoon and then to Jenn's about 7:45 pm. to shower and shave. I then stopped at the gas station spent a dollar on Keno, played for an hour and left with my original dollar. That's it for now, we are heading out to look at the shed and maybe the Starbucks....

I'll be back later...............Dave

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