Thursday, September 30, 2010

"God Willin' and The Creek Don't Rise.............................."

Good Evening;
So I just left the shed a few minutes ago for the first time to day except for a brief run to the Giant to use the bathroom and shave. Every time I wanted to leave it was or began to rain so hard that there was no way I was going out into for no real reason. I just lay back down and read or watched the DVDs I have out from the library, and watched the water pour in through the holes in the roof in the lower part of the shed. I was up all night until after 5:00 am. anyway adjusting and readjusting the water runoff systems I have in place where it drips over or near me, so I was not in the mood to go anywhere anyway. This is the longest I have ever stayed in there at a stretch, from 10:00 pm. last night until 5:45 pm.this evening. The only reason I am out is to stop by and pick up some meds and then stop at Jenn's and grab some of the food in the fridge, since I am out of everything, cash and stamps, and will be out of a bus pass tomorrow, until I get my little bit of cash on Saturday. As you can probably guess, I'm not in the best of moods today, and it's a toss up whether I was better off staying in or trying to go out and see people. I don't know if it happened or not, but the landlord and facilities maintenance people at Mt. Washington Mill where the Starbucks is at were preparing for flood waters by blocking off all unused or rarely used doorways with aluminum I beams and silicone sealant, and if flooding is imminent the whole area is evacuated, so I probably would have been out of a place to do anyway.

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