Friday, September 10, 2010

"Things That Go Bump In The Night.........."

Good Afternoon;
What a night for sleeping! Once I finally got all the creepy crawly vines that were blowing back and forth against the side of the shed snapped off and tossed over a fence that! I kept falling asleep and waking up thinking either that someone was trying to get in or that there were animals in the walls chewing through the insulation. It did not help that I am in the middle of a book featuring magical, mystical elemental creatures, sorcerers who control the weather, and an intelligent but evil dog....OoooOOOOooooOOOOOHHH!!......LOL!
I left here yesterday afternoon and headed over to the coffee shop, and was able to get de-caf before they stopped making it for the day, it made a difference in my sleep pattern for sure. Once I did get to sleep around Midnight I did not wake up until 8:00 am. when I was forced to answer the insistent & persistent messages from my bladder. I took my daily meds and lay back down for a 'minute'....and slept until almost 11:00 am., definitely 'Sleeping Weather'.
I went into the Giant to use the facilities and wash up and make my cup of instant coffee, (both Starbucks and Nescafe have a decent instant now, in single serve tube like packages), and found out that the hot water from the sink, which had been extremely hot and perfect for making coffee, was now barely hot. It still was warm enough for the coffee and sugars to dissolve and blend..but...not as satisfying. If you don't need the cardboard 'coffee cozy''s not really hot enough.

Anyway, I'm here at the library now and about to leave and go out to the payphone, (I really need minutes for my phones, but have no cash left this month, but that's okay, the time spent with Rachel at the State Fair was worth much more than we spent!!), and try to call the reporter from the TV station. The Noon news is over and there is not another newscast until 5:30 pm. so maybe I can reach her.


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