Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Mission:-------IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!".........(And Don't Call Me Shirley!!, Roger?? Roger.....!!,....A Fond 'Fare Thee Well' To Peter Graves)............."

Good Afternoon, Mr. Phelps.....(that's Jim not Michael),

Your mission, if you are fool enough to accept it, is to fit your client's fat ass into the SPEEDO of 8 time gold medal winner Mr. Phelps.....(that's Michael not Jim).

This message will self destruct.....(like the eyeballs and brain of anyone who can picture me in a speedo......LOL!!...[please stop he screamimg, you're making my ears bleed!!!] 10 seconds.

So..I really have to lose some weight..FAST, by almost any means necessary! (I'm gonna draw the line at the 'N.A. DIET" know, shoot coke until you've lost 50 pounds, and then go back to going to!, of course you may also lose your house, your job, your al, "But Dahhhhling, You Look Mahhhvelous!!".........LMAO!!!

But, seriously, I've put on way too much extra flab this year,

....on top of the semi-permanent R-48 insulation nature has wrapped me in!

The underlying health issues such as my hypertension, and the back pain, and joint stress and the resultant strain on my heart are becoming noticeable in my daily life again, as is the physical and mental and emotional discomfort of clothing not fitting comfortably, and the warmer weather meaning that the camoflage of layering is coming to an; not to mention the closed loop cycle of;

".............negative body image>low self esteem>depression>eating one self into a coma to escape the reality of the negative body image............."

There is a point of balance, a tipping point...HA!, where I begin to feel disgusted with myself, and if I do not do something, and achieve at least a quick initial resulting weight loss, I just go "Henry The Eighth" on any thing edible, (and slow moving small animals and children too....LOL)!
That point has been reached and surpassed.....burrrp!
Back Soon.............................Dave

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