Monday, June 6, 2011

"Every Litter Bit Hurts....................................."

Good Evening;
Well, since I had to be up and on the bus early to go to Jenn's of course I could not get to sleep after I signed off this morning, and when it was time to get up, I wanted to stay in and
I got there about 9:15 after stopping at Giant to grab some ground beef and burger rolls (on sale AND reduced!), and saw a ham steak @ $2.00 off too.

After emptying then filling the dishwasher, cleaning out and refilling the litter box and taking the dirty litter and a bag of trash to the dumpster I had to stop and sit for a while because my back started to spasm......When I was lifting my arms to throw the dirty litter in the dumpster it felt like a live electric wire ran from my left lower back through my ass and hip and into my left leg and I thought I was going to fall for a minute.....I went back in and washed up and sat in the recliner, set at an angle that put the least pressure on my sciatic and the spine, and took a muscle relaxer and my pain meds and dozed off and on for an hour. I got up and then cooked lunch and dinner, and breakfast for tomorrow. As I was about to eat Tom brought the grandkids home and than took off for a job. I fed the kids and Jenn got home as they were finishing so I showered and dressed and took off for the subway.

I took the trains to the coffee shop and hung out there for 2 hours and took the trains back out to Old Ct. Station, since the O's were in town tonight the light rail was still running and I was back here by 9:30 pm. After sitting on the bench in front of First Watch Cafe reading and checking some things out on the laptop, (Google 'tessellations', it's fascinating if you go deep enough into the math....and they are seen in art and architecture and plane geometry equations.), and eating dinner I went over to the gas station then came here to the shed.
I watched 'Criminal Minds' and noticed a glaring, obvious error....all the street level hookers were not only gorgeous, but had perfect This show is usually much better than that for it's character portrayals.

I've got to lay down now and try to find a position that is the least painful for my back and left side.
Hopefully I'll fall right asleep and get 3 & 1/2 hours sleep, so if I wake up at 5:00 am. like I have been I'll be nice and rested and ready to watch Elvira's Movie Macabre--"Bucket Of Blood" 1959 Roger Corman Comedy/Horror Classic!


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