Good Afternoon;
Well....the title says it all. Five more hits and we reach 20,000 visitors, and except for running to the Giant to use the restroom , wash up, make coffee, and grab some
'el cheapo' packaged deli ham and a bag of rolls I have not nor do I plan to, go out of the shed into this nasty ass rain.
I woke up at 6:30 am., a short hour after falling asleep, barely able to hear the alarm from my phone over the pounding of the rain on the roof and the steady patter of the drips through the roof. I reached out and turned it off and went back to sleep. At 9:30 am. I sat up, woke up enough to peer at the time, assess the noise level and rate of the rain on the roof and the amount of 'hissss' from wet rubber on wet asphalt coming from the cars on Reisterstown Rd., 'did the math', and concluded..."no effin' way!"...and fell back asleep before reaching full consciousness.
It was 11:38 am. when my body said 'either get up or wear Pampers' and I headed over to the Giant.
Now, time for breakfast, adding some ham to the 'Roasted Tomato and Mozzarella w/ Fresh Spinach & Basil Pesto on Focaccia Bread' from the Starbucks.
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